UVA drinking the homemade koolaid

Bryce Perkins has the all-time UVA QB records written on his mirror and thinks he will break those, one of the receivers just said defenses will have to apply pressure on Perkins and then they ( the receivers) will pick the defenses apart, Mendenhall stated that this is the year they will blend culture and performance, Olamides says they will Beat Tech (while he takes a leak in the bathroom) .......

Jon Ratcliff

Giles high school monster. 6’7 320 lbs. he didn’t play last year because he did something to his ankle playing basketball. Just wondering if anyone had reached out to him?

Also from Giles is Kip Green 6’5 290. They have him listed as TE. I know he has some offers. I’m pretty sure UNC and NC state have. He’s been to some camps at VT but what’s the word on him?
