ACC officials suspended

The 'block in the back' was not, so the only thing that should have drawn a flag was clearing the bench. But that happened after the game was over, so not sure there really should have been any flag. That is just the way I saw it.
I would like to hear the Officials themselves describe what they saw or did not see. Hard to believe D1 refs can miss that many calls on one play.
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HR you rascal you didn't answer me. Our RB clearly fumbled the ball and it was run back for a TD. The BC coach was told he could not challenge the call. It was one of the worst calls I have seen.
HR you rascal you didn't answer me. Our RB clearly fumbled the ball and it was run back for a TD. The BC coach was told he could not challenge the call. It was one of the worst calls I have seen.
I was wondering why BC didn't challenge that play, now I know.
The 'block in the back' was not, so the only thing that should have drawn a flag was clearing the bench. But that happened after the game was over, so not sure there really should have been any flag. That is just the way I saw it.

The block in the back they didn't call occurred at the other end of the field. The guys knee was clearly down. ( its why they got suspended) and as for the game being over when they ran out on the field the play was still in process. Until the refs signal the game is over they are still in control.
Just to set the record straight: The ACC has admitted in writing, that there were multiple blown and incorrect calls in the game, including the PI called on Miami that let Duke score its final TD. You know the one, where they never reviewed whether or not the ball ever crossed the goal line. There were multiple very bad calls in the game. If the game were called correctly, Miami would HAVE WON BY MULTIPLE TD's
With that many bad calls, the ACC needs to take a hard look at their Officials. It's evident they have guys out there with whistles and flags who should not be D1 Refs. The replay guy should never be allowed to watch a game again, much less work one.