Anyone see Coach Beamer try to decline the personal foul by GT? Scary


Jul 7, 2007
He tried to decline the personal foul by GT. The ref just looked at him and literally moved on, as if to not even acknowledge him and simply made the call and helped us out. Now I know, the ole, "he thought it was a dead ball" excuse will be raised by someone. Fact is....GT was in field goal range at the time of the play. You would want to take the yards and not decline a penalty in that situation. Additionally, a dead ball penalty by the offense is a dead ball penalty and you can't decline it if it occurred even though we had a sack. Bottom line, no way to spit it, or any way someone tries to spin it, he was LOST. You know it and I know it. The part I wrote about in the subject title that is scary is NOT for the fact that he was mentally lost at that one given moment on the field against GT for that play. The scary part is that it takes time, a slow-accumulating build up of becoming impaired that does not happen in a 3-4 month period. It takes a long time and this is the scary part. This has been ongoing for a few years while he has been the Head Coach and no question, this is not on a Joe Paterno level of people around him allowing him to remain in power by being silent at the hands of a horrific situation that occured at Penn State that destroyed lives. is a situation in which I told you a couple of years ago....something is wrong, and we have had administrators, big money alums, and an AD in Jim Weaver that ALLOWED it to go unchecked and that is UNFAIR to not only Virginia Tech fans, but it's been unfair to Coach Beamer. Lastly, the ESPN crew did not even comment on it. They never said a word and remained in silence as if to say, "let it go, he's not well." That's exactly what Pollack was thinking and his silence on the issue "said" all that needed to be said.
I believe this to be true. Scary indeed
Maybe Whit should just hire from this board. Actually CFB was declining the timeout he had called prior to the deadball penalty. He didn't want a post on Hokie Haven about wasting timeouts.
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Thanks, I wondered what Beamer was doing, also thought he was trying to decline the penalty. So, have you called Whit to tell him you're the next HC yet?