How long do we give a new coach

Dec 31, 2009
To get us in the position to be satisfied with the hire ? I think after the first year you get a feel for the direction the program is headed and after 4 years you know if the hire is good or not so good . Thoughts ?
There are huge chunks of this program that are a dumpster fire at the moment, so this is not going to be a quick fix.

4 years, definitely, and then we'll look around and see where we are.
There are exceptions (Frank Beamer being one) but usually you can tell by a coach's third year on the job whether or not the program is going in the right direction. That doesn't necessarily mean Top 10 or challenging for conference titles. For some schools it could mean a 6-6 season in the third year after 2-10 and 3-9 records in the first two. Other times the reverse is true. Say you have 10-2 and 9-3 seasons your first two years on the job but slump to 6-6. This, to me, would be a sign that the program is going in the wrong direction.
If we get to a bowl game. If we start picking up va recruits we would have lost before. If we win games we should win and easier. If we are consistent. That can happen earlier and shouldn't take Four years.
I want to see improvements in recruiting immediately,and in the win/loss column after 3 years and real impressive results in 4-5 years. Otherwise I would be done if I was in charge