It's done. The next HC at VT is Marty Schottenheimer


Jul 7, 2007
I know a friend of a friend who golfs with the nephew of Marty. Marty has ties to Virginia in that he did coach the Virginia Destroyers and he will take over the Tidewater in Recruiting. It looks like Bud will be released, but ole Stiney will stay put and become the new OC with complete control. P.S. Stiney will also oversee recruiting and make sure everything is solid in that department. What you are going to see folks is a new look offense and this time at VT, the offense will be different. The 4 star WR's and QB's in the Tidewater are going to be foaming at the mouth to come and play for our innovative offensive system.

The deal was made last night at 5 pm before the GT game by Whit. The contract is signed. Now you save this post and cut/paste it and we will revisit it after the UVA when it is announced that good ole Schottenheimer becomes the next HC at VT. You'll See!
I was in Seattle last week at Starbucks and in walks our AD. I'm thinking why is he here. He gets his coffee and goes to the corner to sit with another person wearing a Starbucks hat. I was on my way over to say hi and give him my opinion on the new coach when I stopped dead in my tracks and saw it was Pete Carroll. Pete was handed an envelop and opened it. It looked like a contract. They spent a good hour talking and shook hands. I overheard Pete say I'll see you more when I move to Blacksburg in January. Wow.
Friend of mine said he was in the box with Whitt and Rich Rod last night, but I'm sure it was just two ole pals hanging out....
A sportswriter friend of mine said it was a done deal with Shaka Smart. Oops....that was basketball.
Hearing around Raleigh that TOB is leaving his ESPN agreement to take the VT job. One condition is that VT resod the field with the hybrid Bermuda grown at NC State. He grew fond of that grass while staring down at the turf in Carter Finley.
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humor is a good thing and this thread is pretty funny...all except lucustookis has outed himself as being fully insane....Stiney as OC (just being retained in any capacity for that matter) is just plain beyond any bounds of any readability. Don't what has happened to lucustookis but the years and struggles on this board and he has turned like a "Walker", some please dispatch of him before he infects other board goers....
Actually, when the search is finally over I think you boys will be feeling the blues...Memphis blues.
Butch Davis and Black Santa will soon be announced as co-head coaches, and VT will open a Cheesecake Factory in West End as part of the contract. In other Hokie news Dan Kane will be replacing Andy Bitter as the Hokie's beat writer at The Roanoke Times.
I said it a while back and still believe Rich Rod has a real good shot at being your next coach....
. Memphis could be right Packed but I'm hoping more for Herman. Long shot, but if not, Richt (if avlb) or Fuente in that order.
Richt will survive if he wins out. Lose to GT and he's a goner.
I'm hoping for Richtm then Fuente. DickRod is heading to GW in Charleston, WV ;)
Richt will survive if he wins out. Lose to GT and he's a goner.