We've all at some point pointed towards the football's fall from power over the past few season as the reason donations have taken a hit to our athletic department. But this article seems to highlight a divide between most Tech alums & their donations! Clearly we need to increase our donation percentage among living alumni. 4% is atrocious & we rank 11 out of 15 ACC schools in terms of percentage of donors to athletics with the 3rd largest living alumni base in our conference. SHOCKER ALERT: NC State is higher in terms of percentage?
So I'll pose the question to the masses... How can Whit better engage & polarize those donations from the current non-donors? (And I don't think winning more football games won't necessarily pull those folks in, but I could wrong)
So I'll pose the question to the masses... How can Whit better engage & polarize those donations from the current non-donors? (And I don't think winning more football games won't necessarily pull those folks in, but I could wrong)