Gobble! Gobble! Gobble!

Congrats on the win. Good luck the rest of the way. You guys have a ton of game-changing talent on that offense. Very impressed.
Yep, that's a damn good football team. Weapons everywhere. I look forward to watching OSU in the playoffs.
Better team won. Congrats. I have never witnessed the kind of talent you have on both sides of the ball .
I was shaking my head thinking about the fact OSU has 3 of the best QB's in college. They have tons of talent and a great coach.....I would be shocked if they are not in the playoffs. The scary part was they were missing some of their best, good team.
Have enjoyed going back and forth with. The VT fans. And Hampton Roads is, well- let's call him entertaining.

Great fan base, great stadium and environment, love the entrance of your team, good-luck the rest of the season and going forward.
What was your take on Urban's attempt to quick snap on VT interception in 4th Qtr that even folks in 3rd world countries knew was a pick? Seemed so petty of UM with big lead and time running out - reminded me of sleazy Larry Coker of Canes.
You mean the fumble, not the pick?

Urban didn't get to where he is by taking his foot off the gas. Power to him. Bud sure doesn't take his foot off the gas when there is a shutout in sight, so I don't expect any offense to take their foot off the gas when there's a blowout in sight. If we're not good enough to stop them from scoring more, then shame on us. This staff has been in place for 30 years'd think they would've figured something out by now.
Yeah Z-BuckRm nice 1st post troll ahole.

Please understand that there are posters that disguise themselves as a school's fan but are just trying to stir things up. I really doubt if he's a true Buckeye fan.
I thought UM was one of best coaches in nation when he was at Florida. After he weezled his way out of Florida to take the job at Ohio, I lost all respect for him. I hope someday he suffers the same fate as Jim Tressel.
I thought UM was one of best coaches in nation when he was at Florida. After he weezled his way out of Florida to take the job at Ohio, I lost all respect for him. I hope someday he suffers the same fate as Jim Tressel.

How did Meyer "weasel" his way out of the Florida job to take the OSU one? He left Florida well before Tressel left the Buckeyes.
What was your take on Urban's attempt to quick snap on VT interception in 4th Qtr that even folks in 3rd world countries knew was a pick? Seemed so petty of UM with big lead and time running out - reminded me of sleazy Larry Coker of Canes.

Because if the same thing happens in the fourth quarter in a tight game with Michigan State the team will have experience addressing the situation. I'm sure the failure to get the snap will be addressed this week.

It's also why you will see Urban go for it on fourth down in some of the games against lesser competition, even when the game is for all intent and purposes over.
UM left Florida claiming burnt-out. Soon as Ohio job opened up, he suddenly wasn't burnt out anymore. I predict that when players get caught selling jerseys again and NCAA comes knocking, he'll get burnt out again.
Or he left, and like many Type A personalities started to regret it. This was mentioned previously by Chris Fowler who said that in the Championship Game when Meyer was at ESPN he talked about how much he missed it.

In addition, as an ESPN analyst he spent a year meeting with other head coaches where Meyer has said he asked them how they were able to maintain some semblance of a life/work balance.

Then when the OSU job opens up unexpectedly, he knows he has a once in a lifetime opportunity to coach his home state University, where he got his coaching started, where his 3 biggest mentors coached previously.

Or you could go with the tin foil on your head conspiracy theory biased argument that you like to give.
klemman - you are never going to win this argument with HR6, He is as pig-headed as they come. He is a through-and-through Hokie homer and we love the guy. But he believes the SEC is the only worthy conference and that Alabama is the best team always. After that it is Virginia Tech. He will never say anything different. You could torture him and he would say the same thing. Using this thought process explains his disdain for Urban Meyer because he left an SEC team for Ohio State. Wouldn't matter where Urban went actually (except for Virginia Tech of course) because he would feel the same. So he is not singling out Ohio State - just the fact that Urban Meyer left an SEC school.
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klemman - you are never going to win this argument with HR6, He is as pig-headed as they come. He is a through-and-through Hokie homer and we love the guy. But he believes the SEC is the only worthy conference and that Alabama is the best team always. After that it is Virginia Tech. He will never say anything different. You could torture him and he would say the same thing. Using this thought process explains his disdain for Urban Meyer because he left an SEC team for Ohio State. Wouldn't matter where Urban went actually (except for Virginia Tech of course) because he would feel the same. So he is not singling out Ohio State - just the fact that Urban Meyer left an SEC school. ^^^^^^^ This and the fact that OSU laid the smacketh down on the Criminal Tide and Nicky Satan last season
UM left Florida claiming burnt-out. Soon as Ohio job opened up, he suddenly wasn't burnt out anymore. I predict that when players get caught selling jerseys again and NCAA comes knocking, he'll get burnt out again.
No different than Nicky Satan leaving the Dolphins hanging after saying he wasn't leaving.....guys a class A jerk.
I would not like myself, if I went to Ohio.

HR6 - do us people in Ohio a big favor and PLEASE stay wherever you're at.and far away from Ohio.
Like any state incl Virginia, Ohio has it's share of Turds. I've traveled/worked to various cities (not Columbus) and found some good folks there; however, I was surprised by how trashy the women talked - could be just the wrong areas in city where my company put me up.

Nonetheless, every since the lil sweater vest wearing lying prick Jim Tressel declared OSU as the best damn football team in America after the phantom pass interference call on last play of game vs Miami that only OSU fans and 1 official saw, I have rooted against OSU. After, the extensive ncaa violations, free loaner cars for Terrell Pryor, ... OSU, like Perv State Nittany Lions proved that winning at all costs is deeply ingrained in their mentality/practice.
Ohio is certainly not a school with high standards for football team. They should still be suffering from NCAA punishment.

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