VT Baseball Wins at FSU

What a win for Virginia Tech baseball as they defeat seventh ranked Florida State 8-3 in Tallahassee. Sean Keselica had his third straight stellar outing on the mound and Tech used a five run inning to take a comfortable lead. This is huge coming against a top 10 team on the road. Tech has a legit shot to take the series on the road now over the next 2 days.

Adam Smith To Transfer

Virginia Tech announced today that guard Adam Smith would transfer upon graduation and be eligible to play immediately next season. Smith was Tech's leading scorer last year and a big-time shot maker.

It's a big loss when you think of it as a leading scorer, but Tech is loaded in the backcourt with talent and Buzz likely couldn't guarantee him a starting spot next season with Seth Allen, Devin Wilson, Jalen Hudson, Justin Bibbs, and Ahmed Hill returning along with the incoming recruits.

***INsider: Clay Dean On Commit***

Guys, I just spoke a few minutes ago with new VT commit Clay Dean from Woodgrove (Va.). He had a bit of a surprise for most of us when he announced his commitment to the Hokies today.

Dean didn't have any other offers and said he hadn't heard from any other schools. Assistant coach Torrian Gray started talking to him during his sophomore season and then offered last month, on signing day. Dean attended VT's junior day Feb. 28 and said that blew him away. He also camped with the Hokies last summer, but the junior day really put VT over the edge. He also has two sisters at VT.

Dean has played nearly all defensive tackle in high school and thought he could play DE in college. But he said Gray told him this morning when he called to commit, that the Hokies want him at DT. Looks like he'll have to add some weight, as he's at 6'3" and 245 pounds right now.

Things always change, but Dean said he's also firm in his decision and doesn't plan on visiting anywhere else. He might make it to the Rivals Combine May 10 in DC, but isn't sure yet.

Full story coming, but as always, what's posted here, STAYS HERE. Don't de-value your own subscription by giving away information to others who don't pay like you do. It's also a violation of our terms of service and will result in the termination of your subscription.[/B]

Clay Dean profile

***INsider: Thomas Jarrett Hopple***

Guys, I spoke earlier with Nansemond River (Va.) three-star OL Thomas Jarrett Hopple, who we have at No. 34 overall in Virginia. I really think we have him very underrated. And as I posted last weekend, he's become one of the top three OL targets on the board for VT.

The Hokies are in excellent position here. He's already visited, but plans on visiting again with his family this weekend, not for the coaches clinic, though it is coincidence. Right now, though, Hopple said he loves Blacksburg, the layout of the campus and how he believes VT needs him right now. He said assistant coaches Bryan Stinespring and Stacy Searels have drilled home how he is a top target and how he could play early.

I mentioned it last week on the chat, before Victor Greene committed, that I believed Hopple could be the next to commit. So keep an eye on him as it could happen any time.

Hopple has also visited Virginia, Wake Forest, Penn State and Clemson this year and mentioned things he liked about each trip. But he has no other visits planned, except for April 11 for the Rivals Camp in Richmond. I think Hopple could really shoot up the rankings with a strong showing there.

Full story coming, but as always, what's posted here, STAYS HERE. Don't de-value your own subscription by giving away information to others who don't pay like you do. It's also a violation of our terms of service and will result in the termination of your subscription.[/B]

Thomas Jarrett Hopple profile

Marlon Character Update

Guys, courtesy of our colleague Jake Reuse at, Rivals250 safety Marlon Character, from Grady (Ga.) has made a change to his top five. Character recently put VT in that top five, along with Georgia, Ole Miss, Alabama and South Carolina. But Chracter said he's lost touch with Ole Miss and has replaced the Rebels with Ohio State. He said he still talks regularly with assistant coach Torrian Gray. Still not great odds, but this one will be interesting to follow as the Hokies have stayed in it.

Character Latest

***3.27 VT INsider Chat Details***

Guys, spring football is finally here and as always, we've got plenty to talk about with the Hokies. Plus, there's always plenty going on in recruiting, including a surprise commitment Wednesday morning from Clay Dean. At 12:30 pm ET tomorrow (Friday), come get the latest VT info plus talk to other fans and get all the answers to your Hokies questions! Come take advantage of and get the very most out of your subscriptions and join us!

Click HERE for this week's INsider Chat!

Updated heights and weights on

Checked it to see what size we'll have on the O-line, D-line, and at LB. Johnathan McLaughlin is a beast at 6'5'' 310. The guards (Teller and Conte) are 6'6'' 295/297 respectively. Even my redheaded friend Wade Hansen is up to 300 pounds. Eric Gallo rounds it out at 6'2'' 293. That's alot of tonnage. I hope that's a good indicator that we're committed to pounding the rock.

We're thin at DE as you know. But I will say Dadi Nicolas and Ken Ekanem have gotten bigger and meaner. Melvin Keihn is 6'1'' 211 and he's one of our backup DE's. Yosuah Nijman is 6'7'' 265 and he is a monster. Our DT size and depth is just ridiculous. And that's without Tim Settle on campus yet. Our starting LB's are 219(Vandyke),213(Clarke),and 223(Motuapuaka). The big surprise is Carson Lydon at 6'2'' 241. I was hoping our starting LB's would be a bit beefier. The head scratcher is Holland Fisher. He's the backup WHIP and he's listed at 6'1'' 180 pounds. Are they starving him?

VT Commit No. 8

Guys, I waited to get confirmation on this one, but Woodgrove (Va.) DE Clay Dean announced his commitment to VT today on Twitter. He was recruited by assistant coach Torrian Gray. I'll be honest, I don't know a lot about Dean and there have been little to no stories done on him by recruiting websites. So this one is a bit of a surprise for sure.

Dean to Hokies

INsider: 3.24 Practice Rundown

Guys, not a ton to talk about on the field on the first day. Media was allowed to watch stretching and the first four periods, so roughly about 45 minutes.

The quarterbacks were on the field well before anyone else and of all the guys, the one who looked like he knew what he was doing most was Michael Brewer. His passes were crisp and on the money, his hustle was where it needed to be and I didn't see him have to re-do anything the whole time I was out there.

The guy who seemed to struggle the most was Brendon Motley. Offensive coordinator Scot Loeffler had him redo two of the first four reps he took. One was because Motley didn't hustle out on the field fast enough. He was also fussed at by assistant coach Stacy Searels for not sprinting to the corner of the end zone fast enough. Early on, the first team, then the second team, would run a play and then on Searels' command (who was standing in a corner of the end zone), would sprint to him.

It was interesting to see Bucky Hodges spend the entire time we were out there, working with the receivers. That's what Bucky is good at, but he didn't spend any of the time working with the other tight ends, who did a lot of blocking drills. Still, Bucky looked crisp with his footwork, hands and I don't think I saw him drop a pass.

By far the best looking offensive linemen are Augie Conte and Wyatt Teller. Those are the guys, not surprisingly, that the entire strength staff raves about, as far as off-season work. And they showed it in drills, too. We already knew Conte had the makings of a good guard, but this looks like when Teller really puts everything together and is a starter, too.

The other guy I really like and am impressed with on the OL is Eric Gallo, who was a true freshman last fall. It looks like Gallo will be the likely starter at center and he did a good job making the calls yesterday in drills and taking charge of the OL. He's soft-spoken off the field, but has a different, good side when he's on the field.

Defensively, Yosuah Nijman, physically, is as impressive as any defensive lineman you'll see. He's very physically imposing. But it's gonna take some time, you can already tell, before he's ready to make an impact. Nijman is a guy who got by on a lot of raw ability because he's so massive. Technique-wise, he still needs work. There were a lot of times in drills yesterday where assistant coach Charley Wiles would take a minute after a rep to specifically go over to Nijman and coach him, tell him he needed to get better pad level, come off differently, etc. Nijman will get it and he'll be a monster for VT, it just might not happen right away this fall.

Maybe it was just yesterday, but it looks like maybe Dadi Nicolas has taken Steve Sobczak under his wing. Nioclas has gradually gotten better over the past couple of years opening up, becoming more vocal and doing more than just play. I noticed after multiple reps yesterday, he'd take Sobczak aside and demonstrate how he needed to do something. I got a photo of one of those moments. Just impressive to see how Nicolas has come along.

From what we saw, the DBs didn't do a lot. They did a lot of walk-throughs, but that was one position it was really tough to get a feel for during the open period. I thought from what little we saw, Mook Reynolds looks like he'll be a quick learner. He seems to move well and though he was out of position on a few reps, natural for the first day, he's getting the hang of things quickly.

Guys, happy to answer any questions on anything I didn't cover. It's tough to gauge a ton on the first day of spring practice, but I'll try my best to answer any of your questions.

As always, what's posted here, STAYS HERE. Don't de-value your own subscription by giving away information to others who don't pay like you do. It's also a violation of our terms of service and will result in the termination of your subscription.[/B]

This post was edited on 3/25 8:20 AM by Jason Stamm
