Hokie Home Game - OSU

10 Point Buck

May 29, 2001
Hey Hokies ---

Never been to Blacksburg. For the season opener this year, would you say it would be probable to scalp a ticket w/o having to spend more than $100-150 ? Not sure what options are available through our athletic department. I'll check that out later in the year, but just wondering if anyone could provide me some information on getting tickets on gameday.

10 PB
Based on experience, I would say tickets on the street will run probably at 100.00. But if you wait just before kick-off, price may drop.

I am sure the scalpers will be out if full force. Try Stub Hub, you might get lucky.
1-540-231-6731, VT Ticket office . They might help on a few questions but I think VT has about 4,000 Tickets for the visiting team. If you are high up at Ohio State for buying away tickets, you might get one. but there is always tickets open to the public after the season ticket quota is met . Most Hokie Club Members will get first shot at the extra tickets and I bet those make it to places for others to buy. By June , you will see this for sure.
10 point, I would go and check stub hub or some ticket outlet. It's the biggest home game in a long, long time in Blacksburg, Labor Day weekend , night game, I wouldn't look for any1 in the Hokie Nation to sell tickets. Also your probably looking at the closest empty motel room at least a hour from Blacksburg. Good luck with tickets.
Here's our game plan:

Travel to Beckley, WV and camp Saturday night. White water raft the new river on Sunday. Camp sunday night.'s only 83 miles to Blackburg. If we have a ticket ahead of time, great. If not, we'll try to get one around Blacksburg. If we fail at that, go to a local joint, get abused by Hokies and watch the game and drink. This way, even if we don't get into the game, we got to raft and camp and party in Hokieland.
Originally posted by 10 Point Buck:

Here's our game plan:

Travel to Beckley, WV and camp Saturday night. White water raft the new river on Sunday. Camp sunday night.'s only 83 miles to Blackburg. If we have a ticket ahead of time, great. If not, we'll try to get one around Blacksburg. If we fail at that, go to a local joint, get abused by Hokies and watch the game and drink. This way, even if we don't get into the game, we got to raft and camp and party in Hokieland.
Buck, the New River is beautiful rafting trip, but you should consider the Upper Gauley. It is out of this world and will give you the ride of a lifetime. When you contact an outfitter, just tell them everybody has been rafting before. That is typically required for the upper Gauley.

You'll get six class 5 rapids, as well as a 14 foot waterfall.





You're right. I've done the new river twice and the upper gauley 3 times. The UG is awesome but I'll have a novice in my son at age 16 with me, so I want to get the NR under our belt, and then hopefully do the UG next year.
You don't need to be experienced to run the Upper Gauley, but it doesn't hurt. Go in the Fall when they release the water from the Summersville Dam. That's what creates the Class V's. Now the Russell Fork requires experience and a physical test.

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