concerning future coaching overhaul and effects on programs.....on Greg Roberts sports radio show airing 5-7pm M-F
a VT alunm & very close friend of Beamer...... with good VT connections /behind scene info
Todays discussion featured discussion on a massive coaching overhaul of legendary bball coaching legends that will be retiring in the ver y near future------ triggering a financial bidding war for the few acknowledged strong coaches that will remain.....SUCH AS BUZZ........... THE FEELING IS BUZZ ALREADY WORKING ON ESTABLISHING HIS NAME......HIS PERSONALITY PANACHE, HIS BROADCASTING PERSONALITY & INVITES....... THE DISCUSSION BASICALLY INDICATING BUZZ TO STAY AT VT JUST LONG ENOUGH TO HAVE A COUPLE OF GOOD SEASONS.......BEFORE HE WILL BECOME A HOT COMMODITY AND A BIDDING WAR WILL BREAK OUT FOR BUZZ AMONG THE BIG NAME LEGENDARY BASKETBALL PROGRAMS WITH BIG NAME COACHING LEGENDS WHO SEEMINGLY WILL RETIRE ABOUT THE SAME TIME..... THE PRO VT COMMENTATORS VERY LITTLE CHANCE OF BUZZ STAYING MORE THAN A YEAR OR TWO......ONCE THE BIG NAME COACHING LEGEND RETIREMENT WAVE BEGINS. . Tech does not & will never l have the panache to get a coach similar to Buzz and/or other coaching legends (many of which will be retiring in next year or two.) .
a VT alunm & very close friend of Beamer...... with good VT connections /behind scene info
Todays discussion featured discussion on a massive coaching overhaul of legendary bball coaching legends that will be retiring in the ver y near future------ triggering a financial bidding war for the few acknowledged strong coaches that will remain.....SUCH AS BUZZ........... THE FEELING IS BUZZ ALREADY WORKING ON ESTABLISHING HIS NAME......HIS PERSONALITY PANACHE, HIS BROADCASTING PERSONALITY & INVITES....... THE DISCUSSION BASICALLY INDICATING BUZZ TO STAY AT VT JUST LONG ENOUGH TO HAVE A COUPLE OF GOOD SEASONS.......BEFORE HE WILL BECOME A HOT COMMODITY AND A BIDDING WAR WILL BREAK OUT FOR BUZZ AMONG THE BIG NAME LEGENDARY BASKETBALL PROGRAMS WITH BIG NAME COACHING LEGENDS WHO SEEMINGLY WILL RETIRE ABOUT THE SAME TIME..... THE PRO VT COMMENTATORS VERY LITTLE CHANCE OF BUZZ STAYING MORE THAN A YEAR OR TWO......ONCE THE BIG NAME COACHING LEGEND RETIREMENT WAVE BEGINS. . Tech does not & will never l have the panache to get a coach similar to Buzz and/or other coaching legends (many of which will be retiring in next year or two.) .