• Locked

Guys, in light of some recent posts, I'm not pointing out anyone specifically, but I've put together a list of some things to keep in mind on this message board. I've basically taken what's been posted on our free board, but the same thing applies here:

1. Watch the language. I know this is a premium board, so I won't completely ban profanity. But if you let it get out of hand, I will take action. No one wants to see a complete potty mouth and I'm one of them. Watch your use of it..

2. No porn or obscene material of any kind. Any user posting pornographic
pictures, or links to such material will receive automatic banishment.

3. No personal attacks on VT players or coaches. Constructive criticism
is allowed, and even welcome, but personal attacks will earn you a few
days of rest from the boards. There is a fine line between a personal
attack and criticizing someone's play or coaching decisions. In other
words, saying "So-and-so sucks," is not acceptable. Saying "So-and-so's
performance tonight" is acceptable.

4. No personal attacks on fellow users. If you want to get into a flame
war with a fellow VT fan, take it to another web site that is perfectly
suitable for such behavior or use e-mail. If another poster expresses
an opinion you don't like, tell him why he's wrong instead of calling
him a moron, or a poster child for abortion.

5. Use good judgment when posting "Sig" pictures. A picture of an
attractive woman is fine, but if she doesn't have all of her "fun" parts
completely covered, we cannot allow it. Any other pictures deemed
unsuitable for the Open Forum is subject to banning.

6. No political postings. I realize it's an election year, but this is not the place to promote anyone or anything, nor denounce anything or anyone politically. Take it somewhere else.

7. Posting links promoting other web sites and soliciting memberships
from members of this board are strictly forbidden and are considered a
banning offense.

9. Posting premium content from other web sites is forbidden and a banning offense.

It will be my judgment for banning or not banning someone. Just know that my rule of thumb is to warn on a first offense and ban on a second offense, no questions asked.

This board is an absolutely WONDERFUL community of Virginia Tech supporters and I'm thrilled to have each of you here. Let's make sure we work to keep it that way! As always, please email me about an questions, comments, etc. you have.

This post was edited on 6/18 5:41 PM by Jason Stamm
