Guys give it time. Almost there. O will rank 99th in America tomorrow

The O put up 254 yards. The D gave up 234. Based on my calculations, the O will rank 97 to 99th in America tomorrow. With UVA and that D looming, it appears our legendary coach will have out done himself again with another VT offense ranked outside of 100th in America. The D will rank about 20th to 21st and with UVAs O looming, Bud will put another VT defense in the top 20 by seasons end. But hey, "just wait just wait until next year. This O will be different in Coach Beamers 28th or 29th year." LOL. He is changed and I am sure has learned and grown and next year is our year. Now hey, if not next year, just wait until 2016 then that will be our year. LOL.

Folks have some common sense and email your athletic director now. GET RID OF HIM.

This post was edited on 11/22 10:53 PM by lucustookis
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Next year has a lot of potential

"Next year" is something we've gotten use to hearing in Hokienation regarding improvement and potential. It has almost become cliche around here. I can't even remember the last time right before the start of a season I didn't think that this team has crazy potential.

For now though, all I care about is beating these pansies.

As much as I look forward to seeing who Babcock selects to replace Beamer in the future, it won't be next year, and probably rightfully so. 4 of our 5 losses are by one score or less which to me means we could be sitting here with one loss. If not for the unusually painful attrition this year, we might have had a shot at being undefeated at this point. Unlikely with inconsistent oline play, but still there was[/I] a chance. Maddy being out really hurt us in the Miami game but woulda, coulda, shoulda...

Next year does appear to be lining up well for us but even with the team at full health, we need Babcock will be overseeing the hire.

All speculation on my part, but if it plays out like this, will there be enough time for a new guy to prepare a savvy offense for next season or will we be saying "next year is going to be something special" again next year?

Hey guys what recruits will be at the VT vs UVA game?

Who is Coach Beamer going to sign? I think we get at least 3 or 4 stars with 2 Wrs and 2 OLs. The future is bright under our legendary coach. Man oh guys just wait until next year after we get more experience and health. Oh yea....did you know that other teams also get one year older and one year to heal.

This post was edited on 11/22 4:23 PM by lucustookis

D now 18th in America. I noticed. O 88th. Why Bama wins another title

VT D ranks 18th in America. Dang that ole Bud Foster. Where is the old loyalists TSL regulars on this board that love to slam Foster. You know who you are. What did I tell you? Bud will have this D finish in the top 20 by seasons end. It's an AMAZING Coaching Job and he should be defensive coach of the year with the injuries they have had and still 18th in America and still climbing. As for our O...still trending south. 88th now in total O.

Alabama, number 1 in total D. Number 23 in total O. That's correct if your thought was the number 23 and VT's O. VT has not had an offense ANYWHERE CLOSE in total O to 23rd since Ricky Bustle left. A number one defense...really....a top 10 D and a good efficient O can win titles. Bama has done this before with very similar numbers. I like their chances. P.S. Did you know that last season, Virginia Tech had the 5th ranked total defense in America by season's end? Many forget. I did not.
This post was edited on 11/21 8:04 PM by lucustookis

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