Rivals transfer portal coverage..

The transfer portal officially opens Monday and it's already been incredibly busy. We have you covered. Rivals has all the latest news on the biggest transfers, we're now ranking every entry into the portal and we also have a message board to talk about everything portal-related.

Please use these resources to find all the breaking news and everything else when it comes to the portal:


Transfer Tracker & Ranking:

Message board:

And please follow us on social for all the breaking news: @RivalsPortal
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Football DJ Harvey to the portal

This is the sort of career path - guys who have contributed but don't look like they'll reach their potential in Blacksburg - that Pry mentioned yesterday when he said he wants the fanbase to not freak out. Harvey's too talented to necessarily call this "good attrition," but it was clearly not gonna work out (and with that, the worst personnel staffer in the history of Power-5 ends up with exactly zero to show for his time in Blacksburg).

DJ Harvey will enter the Transfer Portal
