florida news article

The paper here in Florida had a article about the coaching carousel in football. It talks of hires the ones fired and what might happen at different schools. I liked the mention of VT. It says the hire of Fuente for tech was,and I quote"A marriage of maybe the best young coach available and one of the best jobs on the market"It goes on to say that this whole thing could not have worked out better for AD director Whit Babecock. I just think the part about being the best job on the market is great,It says a lot as to who VT is.

***INsider: How Fuente Got To VT***

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Guys, just wanted to shed some more light on this, not that it's out and official with Justin Fuente for VT.

It's been tough to keep quiet on this for as long as I have, but that's what you have to do sometimes. But for all of you who have followed along with our INsiders, Fuente should come as zero surprise.

For the past two weeks, there have been no other candidates besides Fuente. VT actually agreed to terms with him about a week and a half ago. This thing was so far along that the Hokies actually had his new office set up in the Merryman Center early last week.

The hold up, though, was defensive coordinator Bud Foster. Fuente I'm told had to think on whether he wanted Foster to stay on board. That was one of the big selling points for AD Whit Babcock and I'm told Babcock is the one who swayed Fuente to keep Foster. As I've posted before, I can see good and bad with this. There's no question that Foster is one of the best defensive coordinators in the country. He knows what he's doing. But Foster is also a legend himself and as a young coach trying to establish yourself, that's sometimes tough to take on. But Fuente and Foster also talked it over and agreed they'd be a good fit together.

To show that this was anything but a done deal from the start, though, that's why Foster had put his name in for consideration at Illinois. Obviously, that's done. Foster wanted to remain at VT all along. Once he talked with Fuente, that seemed to alleviate both parties.

As far as the rest of the staff, I've had conflicting sources say that assistant coach Charley Wiles will stay on board. A very good source within the VT administration has told me that's not a done deal, though another very good source told me that Foster told Wiles long ago that he would take him wherever he went. And the other staffer that looks like a definite is Brad Cornelsen, who has been Memphis' co-offensive coordinator. Other than that, it appears nothing is set. But as I've mentioned before, other strong possibilities to follow Fuente are wide receivers coach Holmon Wiggins and special teams coordinator/TEs coach James Shibest. . One reason is that Wiggins recruits Georgia and has done very well there the past few years. Fuente wants to surround himself with a good mix of young and veteran coaches.

VT actually flew to Memphis to meet with Fuente last night. He's en route to Blacksburg right now and will be here at least for the next few days. At first, it looked like Fuente would coach Memphis in the bowl game, but now, our Memphis site,, has said he likely won't. So Fuente will be in Blacksburg the next few days and then head back to begin moving his things. He'll eventually move into Beamer's old office, whenever Beamer is ready to move out. I'm told there's basically no hurry right now.


Guys, I'll have plenty more coming with all the details of the hire of Justin Fuente and how we got to this point in an INsider, but VT has announced Justin Fuente has agreed to terms with the Hokies as next coach.

Also, as was reported, defensive coordinator Bud Foster will remain with VT. I've also confirmed that assistant coach Charley Wiles will remain as well. And it looks like Fuente will bring his co-offensive coordinator. Brad Cornelsen with him as his offensive coordinator, though that's not set in stone just yet.

Our free story here:

***CONFIRMED: Assistant To VT***

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Guys, just wanted to pass on that two assistant coaches have been confirmed to be following coach Justin Fuente to VT. I've been posting possibilities, so this one should come as no surprise. Our Memphis site, and publisher Bryan Moss have confirmed that wide receivers coach Holmon Wiggins and special teams coordinator/TEs coach James Shibest will indeed be following Fuente. Wiggins recruits Georgia and has been at Memphis under Fuente for the whole four years that Fuente has.

Prior to Memphis, Wiggins was at Tulsa in 2011 as running backs coach. Before that, Wiggins coached with Fuente at Illinois State from 2006-10, so there's tons of familiarity.

Shibest has also spent the past four seasons at Memphis under Fuente and recruited Mississippi, Texas and Louisiana, signaling perhaps a more southeast recruiting look for the Hokies.

Doesn't it bother you that....

VT being one of the top programs in a P5 conference, and all the coaches we are going after are from Memphis, Houston, Temple, SMU, and Toledo. Then you have Miss St and Arizona are the only guys that have really been mentioned that's not in a lower tier.

I'm sorry but this bothers me. Guess I may be reading into it too much but what bothers me is the level they are at. Can any of these guys step up and change a P5 program? I just wish we had someone that coached on a higher level. Just feel we are stepping back down a notch just ranting a bit I guess I'll be satisfied with Fuente. Just hope they can prepare for Mia Gt, Clemson, NC and so on instead of Tulane, Tulsa, USF Cincy and SMU.


A new era begins for Virginia Tech. Exciting times are ahead Hokies.

Let's hope our players/coaches can get their heads out of their asses one last time and send Frank out with another commonwealth cup win and a bowl. The man deserves it and what he has done for Virginia Tech and the area cannot be overstated.
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Running backs....


I hope we take at least one of them and find another way to use them. McClease will have a role in our offense next year somewhere for sure . McMillan is a beast... Williams and Mckenzie are great
Edmunds needs to find another spot maybe? And it might be a great change for him

Motley would have won that game yesterday.

I slept on it to cool down but I am still hot.. Everyone wanted Brewer back and they must have forgotten who Brewer is.. He missed WIDE open receivers all day.. Even if Motley would have missed them he could have ran for a few yards and got some production that way. Brewer is awful. I am also celebrating more that SL will no longer be in Blacksburg and Shane Beamer as well BYE BYE!!. That was ridiculous that we put the game in the refs hands that made bad calls all day (OBVIOUSLY NO CATCH BTW) Defense did everything they could but score touchdowns for the offense. I am not blaming the line this time either a few times he had plenty of time to throw. I actually think the line did outstanding yesterday. Receivers, RB, TE all did good. But you can not make up for a sandlot OC, and a god awful QB... Kills any chance to get anything going. I will be very happy to have a coach in here to put points on the board because we have all the pieces in place just need the system.
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A thought about Herman

Was driving to C'ville yesterday and listening to the Houston game. Herman pulled one of the most classless acts at the end of the game, one I would hate to see any VT coach do.
48 seconds left in the game, leading by 14, 2nd and goal inside the Navy 1 and he has his 1st team in the game running a play to run up the score. Absolutely no need for that, you take a knee twice. Even if Navy took a time out there is no way they score twice. Show a little class coach!
