***INsider: Kyle Mayberry On VT Offer***

Full story coming, but as always, what's posted here, STAYS HERE. Don't de-value your own subscription by giving away information to others who don't pay like you do. It's also a violation of our terms of service and will result in the termination of your subscription.

Guys, I spoke earlier with Booker T Washington (Okla.) three-star CB Kyle Mayberry, one of the latest to receive a VT offer from VT and new coach Justin Fuente.

Mayberry said the offer came yesterday afternoon, so Fuente wasted no time to offer him. So technically, Mayberry is the very first offer by Fuente with the Hokies. He was offered when Fuente was at Memphis.

Mayberry is currently committed to Kansas and has been since July. He said that's still the case as "I still stand strong with them." But he also said he's open to others who might still offer.

What's kind of funny is Mayberry said he's never been to the east coast. He's only been north of Oklahoma and to the west coast. When I asked what he knew about Virginia, he said he knew there was a beach. But Mayberry said he's very familiar with the players who have come through VT and specifically mentioned Kyle and Kendall Fuller, Michael Vick and Kam Chancellor. Mayberry said thre Hokies have offered him to be a cornerback and returner on special teams.

It sounds like an official visit to VT will be coming for Mayberry. He currently has not taken any official visits. Mayberry has only unofficially been to Kansas, Kansas State, Missouri and Nevada. But with the Hokies, Mayberry told me, "I'd be a fool to not like the school and not say it's appealing."

***INsider: Thanksgiving VT Coach Search Update***

As always, what's posted here, STAYS HERE. Don't de-value your own subscription by giving away information to others who don't pay like you do. It's also a violation of our terms of service and will result in the termination of your subscription.

Guys, first of all, happy Thanksgiving to all of you! My family isn't having our meal until tonight, so I've managed to check with some sources and get some more info for you guys to much on while you're chowing down on a big turkey leg. It might be a holiday, but I'm still working feverishly to deliver all the info that you guys pay to receive.

First off, I've heard zero mention of Tom Herman. And only a little bit of Chad Morris. It sounds like the one Whit Babcock wished there would have been more with is Mark Richt. But as I've mentioned before, it sounds like an almost certainty that unless Georgia craps the bed against Georgia Tech and in the Bulldogs' bowl, Richt will return there next year. Defensive coordinator Jeremy Pruitt will take the fall and be gone after the season.

All signs, as I've reported for about a week and a half now, point to Memphis' Justin Fuente as Virginia Tech's coach. He has been for about two weeks and continues to be the overwhelming front-runner. I mentioned it on my INsider the other day, but all signs point to Fuente.

As I have for the past week and a half, I've also been hearing intel about Fuente's potential staff. And that's always a hell of a sign, when coaches are aligning themselves. I mentioned last week about Barry Odom, Fuente's defensive coordinator at Memphis the last three seasons before he went to Missouri this season. Fuente has told him that he'll bring Odom with him if he wants to come. Odom in a few ways is the linchpin to figuring out a potential staff. Odom is still a top candidate for the Missouri head coaching job and I've been told from trusted sources who follow that situation that Odom has been the only one interviewed there so far. They also expect a decision there later next week.

If Odom doesn't get the Missouri job, trusted sources at Memphis have said that the Tigers job "is his if he wants it." The question is how long Memphis would wait on Odom to find out something at Missouri. So The Hokies would be the fallback option if those don't work out.

The guy to really watch that Fuente would bring is his co-offensive coordinator, Brad Cornelsen. I'm told that has been his right-hand man with the Tigers. The others that seem likeliest to make the move with Fuente are wide receivers coach Holmon Wiggins. One reason is that Wiggins recruits Georgia and has done very well there the past few years. Fuente wants to surround himself with a good mix of young and veteran coaches and I'm told another guy who would likely make the move is his special teams coordinator/TEs coach James Shibest.

Also, I'm told that again by extremely trusted sources, it is HIGHLY unlikely that Bud Foster stays on board. He's looked into Illinois, as mentioned in our last INsider and has spoken with Georgia about replacing Pruitt when that move happens. So Bud will certainly have options. I'm not ruling him out, as I never say never until it's done, but odds are slim. And he's taking Charley Wiles with him wherever he goes. The others are still up in the air, as Torrian Gray could always go somewhere else, perhaps as a low-FBS level defensive coordinator.

I can tell you for a fact that VT's search will wrap up in the next week, but likely no later than the first of next week. Again, there is NO DONE DEAL with any coach yet. But it's awfully close. I'm told an offer will likely be made over the next couple of days.

Richt to Miami

Being reported as likely done or completely done by just about everyone now. Really like this for the ACC. Richt is going to win there. That'll make the ACC much stronger, especially if UNC keeps it up and VT gets back.

Plus, those VT vs Miami games when both teams were talented in the early to mid 2000s were awesome. Intense, but awesome.
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Landon Dickerson

Jason, any chance we still may be able to get him on-board? I see he visited Auburn last week for the Iron Bowl. However, he did indicate he had not eliminated VT as he waiting to hear from the staff and learn who the O-line coach and coordinator will be. While I think the chances are slim, he is exactly the type of O-lineman we need.
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***INsider: VT Asst Headed Elsewhere?***

As always, what's posted here, STAYS HERE. Don't de-value your own subscription by giving away information to others who don't pay like you do. It's also a violation of our terms of service and will result in the termination of your subscription.

Guys, I have it confirmed from multiple very good sources following the Georgia coaching search that the overwhelming front-runner there is Alabama defensive coordinator Kirby Smart. Which makes sense in a number of ways, including that Smart is a Georgia alum.

It looks to be close to a done deal, as I've been told that Smart has told VT assistant coach Shane Beamer that he'll bring Beamer with him to Georgia should the deal go through. Obviously not done yet, but with Beamer not returning to the Hokies under Justin Fuente, this one will be the main one to watch with Shane right now.

Why would Mark Richt want to coach in Paris?

Beats me why anyone would want to coach at that school in that part of VA.

Not play a SEC team every week? Naa

Coach at a school where 9-2 or 8-3 is OK? Naa

Play in that beautiful stadium? Naa

Live in Albemarle County and commute thru that ugly countryside to work each day? Naa

Coach at one of the most prestigious academic schools in the ACC? Naa

I don't see anyone taking that job.
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Best Hire at Tech

... In its history could likely go down as Whit Babcock. It isnt just what he is doing in his job but IMO it's how he's doing it. That story he told yesterday of how he got Craig Weaver involved is absolutely impressive, classy, [insert positive adjective] all rolled into one! That moment made me extremely proud to call myself a Hokie. What he likely did for that kids psyche is incalculable. The job he does throughout his career at Virginia Tech may very well be priceless as well. Everyone in these positions like an AD shows humility (bc its expected) but everything about Whit exudes it.

JASON, Question...

I'm curious why you think Shibest & Wiggins were the first two assistants named by Fuente to his staff? Put another way, there are obviously several more current Memphis coaches coming over after their bowl, so why were Shibest & Wiggins brought on first... Their recruiting prowess, personal relationship to Fuente or maybe they are better global strategy type guys to manage the hectic day-to-day of putting the foundation before the new staff comes onboard?

Saturday was loud, but

doesn't VT have cheerleaders that are supposed to get crowd even more fired up? Did the cheerleaders even do the, 'Let's Go' / 'Hokies' more than once Saturday?

Would've been a good day for band to misbehave with, 'Stick It In'. Isn't the band creative enuff to come up with a 'less offensive' RZ cheer to get crowd into the game. Politically correct, but still inspirational, ...

Does anybody remember when the DE Robert Brown, around time of Bruce Smith, would do the windmill windup w arm just before plays to get crowd fired up & go on to pressure/sack QB?

Let's be creative Hokies!
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***INsider: Another Confirmed Assistant***

As always, what's posted here, STAYS HERE. Don't de-value your own subscription by giving away information to others who don't pay like you do. It's also a violation of our terms of service and will result in the termination of your subscription.

Guys, we knew it was very likely that more coaches from Memphis would follow Justin Fuente to Virginia Tech. He's already brought James Shibest and Holmon Wiggins with him to coach special teams/TEs and wide receivers.

I've confirmed through VERY good sources that offensive line coach Vance Vice will also join Fuente with the Hokies. He'll remain at Memphis through the bowl game, but is already out recruiting for VT right now. Vice is actually the one who made both of the offers in Oklahoma over the past couple of days.

More coming when available, but it's also a very, very strong possibility that Memphis' co-offensive coordinator, Brad Cornelsen, will join Fuente. Cornelsen will also coach Memphis in its yet to be announced bowl game, but would likely assume full coordinator duties with the Hokies.
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Salary Movement

Fuentes has the latitude to pay up to $3.5 MM without requesting funding from Whit. Not sure if that includes all the support staff for training, operations, recruiting, ...
  • Foster was at around $530k - over $800k from prior multi year promise
  • SL was $400k for OC/QB and the new OC/QB Cornelsen earned $150k at Memphis
  • Stinespring makes $318k for TE and Recruiting while Shibest makes $260k for TE and Spec Teams
  • Searles makes $265k for OLine while Vice makes $208k for the OLine
  • Wiles is at $290k for DLine while Hunley makes $205k for the DLine
  • Gray makes $260k for CB/Safeties
  • Brown makes $235k for outside LB and asst DLine while Scott makes $208k for DC/Linebackers
  • Shane makes $238k for RB while Dickey makes $245k for co-OC/RB
  • Burden makes $170k for WR while Wiggins makes $208k
Give Foster another 5 year payout guarantee
Wiles the same
Gray up a bit so similar value as OL (i.e., coverage sacks)

In general, the Memphis coaches get raises for reaching the Power 5 level
Big jump for Cornelsen's salary and have perf bonus
Shibest up, not sure what Stiney's role would be - could be RB/Recruiting if Dickey does not join at VT
Searles or Vice, if Vice up salary to around Searles
Scott replaces Brown with jump to Brown salary level or above
Dickey replaces Shane up a bit even though higher than Shane (run first)
Wiggins replaces Brurden up a bit (proven and recruiter)

***INsider: Lon'Trelle Miller On VT Offer***

Full story coming, but as always, what's posted here, STAYS HERE. Don't de-value your own subscription by giving away information to others who don't pay like you do. It's also a violation of our terms of service and will result in the termination of your subscription.

Guys, I spoke late last night with Edison (Okla.) linebacker Lon'Trelle Miller, who just got a VT offer offer yesterday. Technically, he's the second offer new coach Justin Fuente has made at VT.

Miller has seven offers total between FBS and FCS, as well as looks from even smaller schools as well. He has a relatively thin frame, at 6'1" and he told me he's actually lost another five pounds, to about 205. But Fuente loves his speed and how he plays in pass protection. The weakness Miller said he has is against the deep ball, but that's not necessarily a forte of linebackers anyway. After watching his film, he's not a four-star kid by any means, but will be re-evaluated soon and should get a decent rating.

Miller said he was very excited about the offer from the Hokies. He told me he's very aware of defensive coordinator Bud Foster and that "I feel like Coach Foster can get me to the next level after college, and that's the ultimate goal." Miller said he's also very aware of the 'lunch pail defense.' He's never been to Virginia or the mid-Atlantic but is already looking to set an official visit in January.

The thing to at least be aware of here is that Miller has a three-year old daughter. He told me he has full custody and that his mother has helped in caring for his daughter. When I asked him how big of a factor that is in his decision, Miller said, "It’s gonna come down to how I feel. My mom said I can go anywhere I want." Miller said he'd go to Washington or Maine if that was the best option. He also wants to study journalism in college. A cool fact about him too, is that he had a very small voiceover role in a California Cows commercial about six years ago.

Miller seems to be a kid who has flown well under the radar. But expect Fuente to certainly offer more kids from Oklahoma, as that's the area he's from and knows. Miller still has work to do on his ACT, hence the smaller division schools also looking at him. But Fuente seems to be very, very high on him.
