RR offensive scheme

Not a huge fan of the way he did business at WVU but I do really like his offensive scheme better than the other candidates other than Herman. But if you go back and look at the explosiveness that WVU had it was fun to watch an having something like that at VT would be very exciting to me. If you look at our top qb's over the past years our biggest success was the mobile QB. Also we have had excellent backs too. Put those together with a RR scheme and it could be very dangerous and nice to see at VT. Thinking about how good Lawson and TM would look with Rogers on the other side of Lawson. I would like to have that scheme here honestly

VT O & D Efficiency Rankings Inside

Per Footballoutsider....VTs O and D are given 2 efficiency rankings which account for the strength of the opposing units O or D, garbage time, big plays given up or made on O and D, red zone, and critical times....etc. Below are the ranking as of today for VT out of 128 teams....

Ranked 78th and 68th for an average of 73rd in the country.

Ranked 65th and 28th for an average of 46.5 in the country.

"Hey, our O is playing better than our D this year.". LMAO......emotion, not supported by facts. As a matter of fact, even in the year of 2015 with this once in a decade-down defense, it's still not even close.

Also......the Ole " our D let's us down at critical times" or the ole "running Qb argument" and "big run plays or plays over 20 yards".......well, that's ALSO accounted and measured in their statistical formulas. Again.....its not even close. Once again in 2015....our Offense remains FAR more of a problem that our defense.

Just the facts man.

***INsider: 11.2 VT Coach Search Update***

As always, what's posted here, STAYS HERE. Don't de-value your own subscription by giving away information to others who don't pay like you do. It's also a violation of our terms of service and will result in the termination of your subscription.

Guys, not sure if I'll have something every day, but for all the days I do get updates, I'll post an INsider like this.

First off, this has been a decision coach Frank Beamer has been pondering for about a month now. As I'd posted last week, Beamer said no when asked if he was ready to retire after the Duke game. But it sounds like he already made his mind up and told Whit Babcock and Desiree Reed-Francois late last week that he would be retiring. I mentioned on Saturday how I asked Beamer at the very end of his post game press conference whether he would be getting more sleep. He responded, "I think I'm gonna sleep better, yeah. I didn't sleep much last week, though." During that last part, he looked directly at Babcock, who was sitting next to me in the back of the room. When I looked at Babcock, he looked right at Reed-Francois.

First off, it's not a coincidence that one of the first media outlets to report on the news yesterday was Fox Sports Arizona. Rich Rodriguez, currently the coach at Arizona, is very much a top candidate. And the news FSA got was from Rodriguez's camp. Not saying Rodriguez is for sure the guy, but he's in the top five candidate list without question.

I touched base late last night with Matt Moreno from, our Arizona site. He told me that though it's been relatively quiet with Rodriguez, that his interest in the Hokies job has "grown legs." Moreno said that things have shifted a bit in the last two weeks with Rodriguez and that Moreno got the sense in talking to Rodriguez last Wednesday that Rodriguez "didn't want to be here." Moreno was in Seattle Saturday for the Wildcats' loss at Washington and said that after the game, he got an even better sense that Rodriguez would be leaving. I'll be following up more with Matt today.

A very, very good source for me (and I don't mind sharing this one) is Gabe DeArmond at Gabe is very well connected and has been in on a lot of coaching moves around the country. He's also who has been in contact, through sources, about Memphis coach Justin Fuente. As I said last week, I can confirm that VT has been in contact with representatives of Fuente. Gabe got a text last night from a very good source of: "VA Tech/Fuente...strong" Fuente could be the top target here, but he's another who is certainly in the Hokies' top five of candidates.

PLENTY more coming. I'll be at the 12:30 pm presser and will post any updates over the next few weeks or month, whatever until the next head coach is hired for VT.

Note On 2016 Commits

Guys, a very, very good source just told me that athletics director Whit Babcock has reached out to all 17 of the Hokies' 2016 commitments. He told them that VT has "strong interest" to keep them on board. He told them he knew other schools would try to poach them from the Hokies, but asked each to wait and see who the new hire would be before making a final decision.
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Virginia Tech O and D statistics As of 1 November


Total D ranks 32nd
Rush D ranks 62nd
Pass D ranks 18th
ESPN Defensive Efficiency Ranking-44th
Yards Per Play-not updated yet. We were 72nd coming into the BC game
Turnovers Gained-18th


Total O ranks 87th
Rush O ranks 78th
Pass O ranks 79th
ESPN Offensive Efficiency Ranking-62nd
Yards Per Play-not updated yet. We were 106th out of 128 teams prior to the BC game
Turnovers Lost-65th

I will update the Football Outsiders Offense and Deficiency Rankings when they come out. They are not updated yet. ESPN accounts for overall strength of schedule with the Offense and Defense efficiency ratings, but........they do not adjust for the strength of each individual unit. For example, BC's defense is much better than it's offense. Football outsiders adjust for this, ESPN only looks at the overall BC strength of schedule; therefore, ESPN's offense and defense efficiency rankings are pretty worthless. Football Outsiders accounts for things like big plays (more than 20 yards) wasted drives due to garbage time, wasted drives during quality time where a D failed or and O failed, yards per play, etc. I will update these when they come out.

Kirby Smart

He is a very intriguing guy as our next HC only saw way down in another thread where MHTY to you posted him as an option. I have seen a couple reports now in the major media that Smart has said "He would be very interested in VT HC job". 39 years old, coached under one of the best, and he must have the kind of work ethic and drive we have been looking for here at VT to be on Saban's staff. I would be happy to see him on our potential list.
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"Beamer Way" will always be a double entendre...

forever juxtaposed with "The Carolina Way."

A foundation -unthinkable in 1987- has been laid in SWVA. I am sad, but also very hopeful. If Whit can ink the right guy, there's every reason to believe we'll be back in the ACC hunt - sooner, rather than later.

I want a HC with the stones to put out an audacious trophy case and the ability to fill it.

Frank ran out of time, and that makes my heart heavy, but my respect for him has grown immensely over just the last 24 hours. Didn't think that possible.

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Possible Head Coach

Got bored at work and decided to throw a list together of who we may go after and who maybe interested in our job. I think we hold firmly as the second best job open right now behind Southern Cal.

Temple HC
Houston HC
Memphis HC
Clemson DC
Oklahoma St. HC
Texas Tech HC
Marshall HC
Bowling Green HC
Toledo HC
Western Michigan HC
Boise St. HC
Utah HC
Arizona HC
Alabama DC

Recruit Reactions Thread

Myles Wolfolk-

"I hard to go through with him having built the program and seeing him leave. There's a lot I'm going to have to figure out and discuss with my parents and my coaches to see what's going on before I make any moves. I'm still solidly committed."

Eric Kumah-

"I wasn't sure if he was going to retire or not. I heard some people talking about it before. I'm just going to wait and see who is going to get the head coaching job. I'm still hearing from a whole lot of schools on the east coast like N.C. State, Virginia, Maryland and Illinois. I think I'll talk to some from Virginia Tech tonight."

Frank Beamer, my friend

I'm sad for Frank because I know how much he loves Virginia Tech football. What makes it even more difficult is knowing that for him it extends beyond the football team. He loves the university and he equally loves the fans. He truly wanted to give every Hokie, young and old, big donor or small, something to be proud of . . . And he was amazingly successful.

And now he is making another personal sacrifice for the Hokie Nation. I am convinced that he knows that this team has talent and that turning the program over to a younger, more energetic coach now would shorten the turnaround time as opposed to him staying on any longer. I agree with him.

If Frank could say something to each poster on this board, his supporters and critics alike, he would likely apologize for the last few years. This is his way of trying to correct the problems.

I am excited for the future of Tech football and hope that everyone rallies behind the new coach and staff, they will need our support. We need to show the new staff the same respect and passion as we did for Frank. It's the only way to properly honor Frank Beamer. We cannot let all he has done for us be for nothing.

We need to keep our sights on a national championship some day and when we win it, I will have a smile on my face for Frank Beamer.

God bless you Frank. My prayers are for you and a long, healthy and fulfilling retirement.

