***INsider: Tim Settle Update***

You guys know because many of you have been the ones to ask me, but for the past 5-6 months, the guy I've been asked about more than anyone is Tim Settle. And pretty much for the past few months, I've had the same answer, that we'll wait and see, because honestly and truthfully, that's all we've been able to do.

Late last night, Tim called me for a Q&A with the New Class series that I'll post probably later today. But he also told me where he is as far as qualifying. I don't want to post the specifics here, but anyone who is interested, email me at

He'll be taking both the ACT and the SAT coming up. The ACT is on June 13, while the SAT is June 6. These are the final test dates for both this year.

Settle said his final day of school is June 4. He told me he definitely won't have to go to junior college, but I never thought his grades were that bad where that would be an option. Settle did say that "The day I qualify, I wanna get down to Tech." And that looks like it will be around the first of July, in time for the second summer session.

As many of you know who have taken the standardized tests, it takes a couple of weeks to get your score back. All you need is the passing score on one, so Settle is taking both. Here's what VT's admissions requirements states:

"Virginia Tech accepts either the SAT Reasoning Test (including critical reading and math) or ACT test scores. Since Virginia Tech utilizes the writing portion of each test for placement purposes, students who opt to take only the ACT should take the ACT plus writing. All tests should be taken by the December test date of the senior year.

Our Score Choice is: Highest Section Scores Across Test Dates – Version 1 (Highest M, CR, W). Please note: Virginia Tech wants to see all of your test scores. We will use the highest scores and even combine your highest test scores from multiple test dates when evaluating your application."

So we'll know in about a month and a half for sure whether or not Settle will qualify. But right now, it's really 50/50 because he's so close.

And for those of you who missed this a while back, as I noticed there's not a ton of views on it, here's Mike Farrell's breakdown of Settle:

As always, what's posted here, STAYS HERE. Don't de-value your own subscription by giving away information to others who don't pay like you do. It's also a violation of our terms of service and will result in the termination of your subscription.

Is the speculation & talk of CFB retirement hurting recruiting??

About a month or so back VT recruiting got as high as #9 ---with Hoos ranking in 40's,,,, there has been print and radio speculation over the past few months........ Could Felder's broken promise also contributed......
Could Bill Roths departure also gave impression that the Beamer era was about ready to depart the station....



Certainly the card(s) being played since Londons arrival----despite not producing a winning record -nor a win over VTin 11 seasons ----have somehow convinced some people (rival recruiting rankings) the gap has been closed. Even prior to London, the Hoos had one bowl season although (regardless of whatever coach was there)
success has eluded them....... evidently media has been convinced the gap has been closed. Beamer needs to have a 8-or more win total.....must beat the Hoos---must get in shape.....and walk the talk..... and appear as someone ready to coach for another decade as the players are expectedto be ready to play another season of games. He must convince people & recruits he isn't going anywhere anytime soon,

Things heating up for 2018 LB Mitchell

2018 LB Teradja Mitchell is one of the most heavily recruit 2018 prospects in the country. His offer sheet is already in double-digits and he is doing research on all of them. Mitchell recently visited North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia Tech. He wants to visit N.C. State, Maryland and Florida State this summer. Mitchell has a lot of connections to Virginia, including family members that played on the team and many Bayside alums that continued their careers in Charlottesville. Miami and Clemson has also offered Mitchell but is sounds like the Florida State offer really caught Mitchell's eye. Look for plenty more schools to offer Mitchell before all is said and done.


VT In On New 2016 QB

Guys, yesterday, VT offered St. John Vianney (NJ) three-star QB Anthony Brown. That's a big deal because in large part, Brown had narrowed his list to Northwestern, Boston College and Syracuse and was set to announce his decision this week.

Brown told our BC site,, that he still plans to announce, but it sounds like it could be a soft commitment, as he plans to visit VT June 10.

Here's the full story:

VT too truthful , ethical, & honest to land anyone higher than 3*...

with the 4* ranking player from Maryland with half of big ten , arizona, half of acc , momma wanting Notre Dame, etc....
most of the other schools -particularly recruiters will do anything & everything to land a recruit---knowing that if they don't.....they'll lose their job. Beamer greets & meets all the players--and discusses their expected roles honestly.......others will promise starting as freshman etc , etc. ... With Beamer....its about earning your place on a team & doing the right things.....all in player at position with right spirit & discipline wins the spot.

It will take another vick & a few deangelos--- and agressive corey moores with Bud's coaching +plus hard work to get back to the 8-3 9-2 mark......seasons.......Anyone playing FSU, Clemson, Maybe Miami (if get discipline & lose their cockiness) Lousiville (lower entrance standards)....(add Pitt's constant annual beatdowns of VT in ANY SPORT) ---and VT's predictability puts VT in possibly winning 2/3 to 3/4 of its games.------but leaves CFB content with continuing its bowl streak.--- 6-6 is all it takes------ that's the ticket. Who'd thought 10 years ago - that Duke would go to bowl games (better ones than VT) or with its academic credentials could even field a winning team.....much less play in Acc championship games
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***INsider: Tahj Capehart On VT***

Guys, I spoke a bit earlier with Ocean Lakes (Va.) 2017 athlete Tahj Capehart, who visited VT last weekend for the spring game. This was his second visit to Blacksburg, as he he attended one of the Hokies' camps last summer.

Capehart said the biggest difference was that last year, because the camps are held on the track and the lacrosse fields, he didn't get to see the inside of Lane Stadium until this visit. But he loved the atmosphere and with the crowd, "the way they reacted when that one song came on, everybody got up and started cheering."

Capehart said he hasn't really gotten into his recruitment much and hasn't reached out to many coaches. He spoke with assistant coach Zohn Burden on the spring game visit. And Burden was pushing how VT runs a pro-style system on offense, that prepares guys better for the NFL. But because he's a 2017 guy, coaches can't call Capehart yet and he has only talked to coaches on his visits.

The only other visit Capehart has taken was to UVA for a spring practice. He said he likes the coaches there and the relationships they have with everybody. Capehart did talk about wishing he could have gone to the spring game there to see the atmosphere.

Coming up, Capehart said he wants to visit NC State and North Carolina, though no visits are set. This one is barely getting going, so anyone who says he's leaning any way is seriously taking a stab in the dark. Capehart did tell me that he doesn't have any list, but that with the Hokies, "They’re definitely in my top."

Full story coming, but as always, what's posted here, STAYS HERE. Don't de-value your own subscription by giving away information to others who don't pay like you do. It's also a violation of our terms of service and will result in the termination of your subscription.

Gallo at center

Have you noticed how Gallo has come in and played well so quickly? Maybe that's because he was actually a CENTER in HS. Now we're trying to back him up with guys that never played center in their lives. Same old crap. I realize that we missed on our center target from last year, a pretty good one from NC. But how many of our top OL targets this year are true centers? None that I see. There must be some decent centers out there somewhere that we can recruit. Having experience at that position makes all the difference in the world.
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