Locker room last year

Anybody else read the article comparing the locker room attitudes between last year and this year. It was obvious to me Fuente lost the team at some point, but to have kids wanting to lose and some of them half-ass threatening the young kids not to perform well, just blows my mind. Glad we got them off the team. and we probably can guess who most of the bad apples were. For the record though, anybody demanding turkey bacon to be served in the dining halls should be kicked off the team just for asking for turkey bacon.

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The HokieHaven Mailbag: Call for questions!

With fall camp underway, it's time to take reader questions once again! Football, basketball, recruiting, off-topic, whatever you've got, leave it here and I'll answer a selection f them in a front-page post later this week.

As always, those who typically hang out but don't post regularly are most welcome (and most likely to have their questions answered), but anything reasonable will at least get mentin in the thread if it doesn't make the story.
