So, here is how it goes. A year and one half ago, the NCAA tells Carolina, "you broke some rules and are going to be punished." More time goes on and a second time, the NCAA says, "hey Carolina, you broke some rules and will be punished." Well, no punishment yet and low and behold, here we go again a third time as the NCAA just recently tells Carolina again, "Carolina, I know we are a bunch of dumb as$es, but we need to inform you that you broke some rules." LOL
Then you have Roy Williams (who I think is a decent and honest person) basically complaining and moaning and griping on why this entire situation with the NCAA and UNC is not over yet. Newsflash Roy, your school lawyered up early in the process basically under the legal defense of, "the NCAA has no jurisdiction over academic matters." We all know that defense is a joke as UNC is so guilty of fraud and lack of institutional control that it has not really admitted its major wrongdoing, but simply arguing that the NCAA has no jurisdiction over academic matters. Roy, stop complaining. Your school is the reason this process has been going on for so long. UNC lawyered up and we know that whatever minor concessions that UNC has made in its wrongdoing is exactly that, they are minor. Have they truly come out and admitted to major NCAA infractions of which they are guilty of? The answer is no.
Sure, the NCAA is looking ugly by letting this drag out for so long and some of this is the fault of the NCAA for being largely a group of dumb a$es, but do not forget the fact that UNC lawyered up. It's a bit hypocritical for Roy Williams to imply that the NCAA is solely the reason this has gone on forever. Carolina has played a huge part in allowing or causing this process to go on forever.
In conclusion, when student-athletes are involved and the University is doing wrong academically, it still effects student-athletes by giving them an unfair edge. In short, the actions of the school have given the athletes an unfair edge compared to other schools across the country who didn't make up grades and weak courses for its athletes. This is where it definitely IS in the jurisdiction of the NCAA.
P.S. UNC is a joke and its academic reputation has been ruined. UNC did this to themselves.