Are you kidding me?

Are you saying that a one-armed Motley is better than Lawson?

Where the hell is Bud's defense?

Can someone wake Shane up, he owes it to this program to play the best players. He owes nothing to JC or Trey.

These damn coaches are making a mockery of this program.

Lastly, the players owe it to this program to perform. If they don't want to play, then move on.

Whit, it's time to save your job and do what needs to be done for the program.

What Changes Would You Make

We are getting outcoached. The complacency surrounding the program is palpable. When the leader of any organization allows failure without consequences all the under achievers breathe a sigh of relief and all the winners go somewhere where they can win. And that goes for the coaches as well as the players.

Okay, I am putting on my Head Coaches hat now.

First, McLaughlin got beat like a rented mule all day. Might as well give Nijman a try. He couldn't do any worse. I don't care if McLaughlin is a 3 year starter.

We gave up early on running up the middle. When every run is a jet sweep nobody is going to do well. Pitt has a good run defense, but that is not a reason to concede power running. But when your starter is 5' 6" and 187 lbs its hard to do. Coleman was a great team player last year but he is just too small to get it done. Go with McMillen and Edmunds for 95% of the carries. RB by committee didn't work well last and isn't this year. Williams is our most punishing RB but we should red shirt him and get him healthy for next year.

Start Lawson until Brewer comes back. Write the season off and get him ready for next year. Missouri started a true freshman this week. UCLA's starter is a freshman. I know Lawson is not ready now, but Motley isn't either and is never going to be the long term solution.

We are wasting Hodges and Malleck. Two of the best weapons we have and their numbers don't get called often enough.

Now to the defense.

The D-Line has been over hyped since last spring. Can't get enough pressure on opposing QB's and is too light. They get pushed around by big lines. Pitt did it today, backed up on their own 2 and got 6 yards right up the middle. Settle might be one answer but he is not ready now. A year in the weight room and improving technique should help fix that. Long term we need to recruit bigger guys. The line backers crowd the line because they have to help the under weight line. And as an aside, Alabama has Jonathon Allen, D' Shawn Hand and Koren Kirvin. All from Virginia. Would all three be starting here? I'd bet the rent on it.

I thing our only problem in the secondary is inexperience. We seem to have a lot of young talent.

Your thoughts?


Please look at this team and it's performance and be totally objective. Look at other teams and how they play and where they're heading. Look at every aspect of VT football. Then ask yourself the question . . . Am I really the right guy now to lead this team any longer? Be totally honest.

Then do the right thing.
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Honest conversation: How do we fix the program?

Please don't make this a coach/player bashing thread.

Here is my take (or the start of it):

1) New HC is obvious. That should happen sometime this weekend (but it won't)

2) Continue the upgrades in recruiting. We have more staff but we need more $$$$! It's time to go all-FSU in terms of player dorms. If you don't think it matters go back and look at Sweat's recruitment or give it a couple months and look at our recruiting losses, especially along the OL.

3) Do we need to be in the SEC? I think that move requires a decision on how we view football and academics. I'm not ready to go there right now. However, I find the term "student athlete" to be a joke in today's world of collegiate football, especially in the $EC.

Your thoughts?

Game Day

Hey y'all! I am sure you have seen the post about the chat, but I just wanted to let you all know that I will be covering the game for Hokie Nation today. Join me as I start at 11:30am. Everyone have a fun, safe time and try to stay dry. :p Go Hokies!


I feel bad for the guy. He really came around late last year when we needed him. So I think that goes to show in itself that the rotation of rbs is terrible. When he found his groove he was great. We have an improved line also. Edmunds is horrible. If they stick with a rb I think it will drastically improve our chances to win games.

***Ask Derrick Hopkins Your Questions!***

Guys, we've done a few of these now and I'm very excited to have former Hokies DT Derrick Hopkins with us to answer your questions! Any questions you have on Virginia Tech, his playing days, whatever, post them here. Throughout the day, Derrick will be stopping by to post his responses.

A BIG thanks to Derrick! I hope this will also pave the way for his weekly column and involvement with!

VT still recruiting committed R250 DB

I went to see Rivals250 Rutgers DB commit Patrice Rene at practice the other day. Despite everything that has been going on off the field at Rutgers, Rene remains solidly committed to Rutgers. Coach Flood is scheduled to go watch Rene's game tonight. North Carolina, Nebraska, Wisconsin, Penn State and Virginia Tech are still recruiting Rene and he is open to the idea of taking visits but nothing is set right now.

Video: The latest w/ R250 RU commit Rene
