Donaven Tennyson- 2016 WR Benedictine

I really hope we offer DT, he is a playmaker that we've severely lacked in recent years at WR. He has very good speed, good hands, and runs good routes at this stage. He could contribute on STs early as well. He needs to add about 15 pounds, but that shouldn't be an issue.

Keep an eye on this kid though. Not to mention an offer would only help with Ellis Brooks.

This post was edited on 1/31 8:39 AM by 5284Hokie

DT Highlights

Have to get this off my chest

It should be obvious from my user name that I graduated from Tech in 1970. I was really too young and too naive to realize that VT was considered the "red headed step child" in the Commonwealth, not only by the arrogant Cavaliers, but by many of the professionals in the business community.

Hokies had no pedigree, like the mama's boys that went to UVA, Richmond, Hampden Sydney had. In those social circles, we were the waiters, they were the diners. We were the valets who parked their 7 Series BMWs.

When I got home from active duty, my first interview was with a bank in Virginia. The first question from the banker's mouth was "where did you go to school". When I told him VT, he informed me that they interviewed on campus each year at UVA and Richmond, not Tech. I politely said goodbye and left. TRUE STORY! Little did he know that his condescending attitude was a motivation to me. I went to Charlotte and started a banking career that eventually led me to the President and CEO's office until retirement.

For years I would go back to Tech for football games and endure seasons as an independent, or Big East member, or Metro member. I would watch students walk around campus wearing UNC tee shirts. We had no identity, no stature, no respect.

Then Frank Beamer came back to Blacksburg. Then Michael Vick showed up. VPI became known as Virginia Tech. The Hokie Nation was born and finally we had something that we could all embrace . . . A reputation for hard nosed smash mouth football. A man's game, not rowing, or fencing, or whatever they do in Charlottesville. UNC tee shirts were replaced by Beamerball, Stick It In and Enter Sandman. Tech had arrived and it was, and still is, killing the Wahoos. We were proud and we were damn good. We were the team that Colin Cowherd said "if you want to talk about smash mouth football you gotta talk about Va Tech. They'll punch you right in the face. If you want to find UVA football in the dictionary you have to look under the word SOFT". Tell me that didn't make us all feel good.

The Hokie Nation was a strong, close group that had a bond like no other.

How much of this do we credit Frank with is a matter of interpretation. Every Hokie can make up his own mind.

My fear is we are slipping back to the hillbilly, redneck, second class citizens branding because of all the attacks on one another. If you read other boards there is always bashing back and forth but nowhere to the extent it is on here.

I hope we can have level headed exchanges of information and leave the name calling out of it. I remember where we were and don't want to go back.

  • Locked
I for 1

I am tired of every thread on here being hijacked by Beamer flamers its never ending! And if anyone dares to defend him your drinking the kool-aid? Anyone who saw the man at the UVA basketball game knows you jack wagons are way in the minority people were lined up to have pictures made with him and get his autograph and not one request did he turn down stayed long after game doing so. How anyone can call themselves a Hokie and not respect and love this guy is beyond me. Its awfully easy to bash him behind a keyboard when you have no face or name old school would call that chicken shit cowards.

1.30 HokieHaven Podcast

Alright guys, we've changed the host, so hopefully we don't have the technical difficulty of the first podcast. We're now using PodBean, which appears to be more compatible with Rivals and looks to be working as it's supposed to. Also works well with mobile.

Also, I wanted to run it by you guys, but what day of the week would work best for you or would you prefer us to post our podcast? I've now tried Wednesday and Friday, to give a few options and try out a few things.

Click here to listen to this week's podcast

***INsider: Zach Hoyt Latest***

Guys, I spoke earlier with Salem (Va.) two-star OL Zach Hoyt. As was reported this week, he received an offer from the Hokies on Monday.

But in getting that offer, Hoyt said he went to VT himself with his family after school for a quick unofficial visit. He met with coach Frank Beamer and assistant coach Bryan Stinespring and toured the facilities and everything one more time. Stinespring is the one who actually made the offer. Assistant coach Stacy Searels, though, stopped by to see Hoyt on Tuesday. And this offer is NOT a grayshirt offer. Depending on how the rest of the class plays out and who the Hokies get, it could turn into a grayshirt and Hoyt said the coaches all made that clear. But they also told him it is not a grayshirt right now.

As far as a grayshirt offer, Hoyt said that wouldn't affect his decision. He said it's still a full ride and that's what he's concerned with. With the offer, Hoyt told me, "It's 30 minutes away and it's kinda the one I was hoping for."

Tomorrow, though, Hoyt is flying out to Utah with his mother to take an official visit to BYU. Hoyt officially visited Pittsburgh last weekend and said he "fell in love with Pitt" on his visit. But that was before the VT offer came.

It sounds like Hoyt will likely make a decision on Monday or Tuesday, before signing day, when he gets back from BYU. And right now, I'd be surprised if he doesn't choose the Hokies. But we'll see. He's never been to BYU, so it'll be interesting how the visit goes, adding to it that he is Mormon, so it means more to him.

Full story coming, but as always, what's posted here, STAYS HERE. Don't de-value your own subscription by giving away information to others who don't pay like you do. It's also a violation of our terms of service and will result in the termination of your subscription.[/B]

Zach Hoyt profile

Tino Ellis top 5

Guys, if you read our story and INsider last week, this shouldn't really come as a surprise, but last night, 2016 Rivals250 WR Tino Ellis tweeted out a top 5 of VT, Maryland, West Virginia, Rutgers and Wake Forest. He also said he's gonna announce on July 31.

Ellis told us the two standing out were VT and Maryland, but the Hokies are the odds on favorite right now.

Tino Ellis profile

***INsider: 1.29 WRs Coach Search Update***

Alright guys, I don't have a ton to pass along right now, as the search has slowed a bit with Tony Ball declining further involvement in the search yesterday.

The name we're hearing a bit more of is South Florida's Ron Dugans. He interviewed for the Texas opening and our Texas site,, has told me they thought he was gonna get it for a brief time, before it went to Jay Norvell a few weeks ago.

I reached out to some sources I have within the staff at USF to ask about Dugans. They tell me he's a good coach and has a ton of connections. But most importantly, they said they he has not told any of the staff to their knowledge if he's involved for the VT opening. Our sources, though, say he's at least in the mix.

The other thing to keep in mind here is my USF sources have said that at this point, they have four, maybe 5 wide receivers in the 2015 class. They told me they wouldn't be surprised to see him at VT, but if he did go, they would expect him to "sit tight through signing day" so that it doesn't affect the receiver recruits for USF. And that makes sense. It also puts into play that if Dugans, or even maybe if Dugans is not one of the finalists, that the Hokies might wait and make a decision after signing day.

I've mentioned it in radio interviews and on here, but the big thing is it would be beneficial to have a receivers coach in place for the Feb. 7 junior day. There's not a huge rush for signing day, with no receivers committed to VT and former coach Aaron Moorehead's other gets all solid, but with as many as 75 kids on junior day, that's an important one to have a coach in place for, to introduce to the juniors on hand.

As far as Old Dominion's Zohn Burden, he remains in play, but not a lot has changed there. He was out recruiting with Old Dominion coach Bobby Wilder yesterday, but he's also just waiting.

And Darrell Wyatt also remains in play. There might be another candidate or two who get involved, but those seem to be the three names to watch. And again, keep in mind, a decision now might not come until next week, though it still is very possible it could happen sooner.

ore info coming as soon as it's available, but as always, what's posted here, STAYS HERE. Don't de-value your own subscription by giving away information to others who don't pay like you do. It's also a violation of our terms of service and will result in the termination of your subscription.[/B]

Based on stars
After reading this article both of these teams would be mediocre college teams based on their star ratings according to a lot of you.

This post was edited on 1/29 8:11 AM by LakeErieHokie

Hokie Home Game - OSU

Hey Hokies ---

Never been to Blacksburg. For the season opener this year, would you say it would be probable to scalp a ticket w/o having to spend more than $100-150 ? Not sure what options are available through our athletic department. I'll check that out later in the year, but just wondering if anyone could provide me some information on getting tickets on gameday.

10 PB

***INsider: 1.28 WRs Coach Search Update***

Alright guys, these past few days have been one twist after another. But it looks like this one is finally nearing an end.

5284 and dm4vtdu might be able to add to it, but our sources are telling us that Georgia wide receivers coach Tony Ball is now the front-runner. We're also told a decision could be made as soon as today that would make Ball the new wide receivers coach at VT.

That said, it looks like Old Dominion WRs coach Zohn Burden is fading fast. I wouldn't completely rule him out yet, but it's not looking to be in his favor.

If true on Ball, this is a curious decision. Ball is 58 and would command a salary in the neighborhood of $250,000. Our Georgia site,, has also told us that Ball is the best position coach on that staff, but might be one of the worst recruiters.

The big question though is still why he would want to leave Georgia. That part still hasn't really been made clear. Also, it's puzzling why and how VT would pay him such an amount. It appears that familiarity on both sides is the biggest reason for this move, if it does indeed go through as we're told.

And before people bring it up, VT did NOT just let Aaron Moorehead walk. Money was a big factor for him leaving for Texas A&M, but I'm telling you, from talking candidly to him, family was the biggest factor. He told me it's still a good distance from his wife's family in New Mexico, but it's now a much more doable and easier trip for both sides.

We'll keep you posted on any further developments and our INsider gurus can always chime in as well.

More info coming as soon as it's available, but as always, what's posted here, STAYS HERE. Don't de-value your own subscription by giving away information to others who don't pay like you do. It's also a violation of our terms of service and will result in the termination of your subscription.[/B]

***1.30 VT INsider Chat Details***

Sorry I'm a little bit late with this week's details, but it's been yet another big week for VT athletics. Basketball got a big win, the football schedule for 2015 was released and the wide receivers coach search continues. At 12:30 pm ET tomorrow, get answers to all your VT questions and anything about the Hokies you've been curious about. Come take advantage of and get the very most out of your subscriptions!

Click HERE for this week's INsider Chat!

***INsider: Jauan Williams Latest***

Guys, I talked a little earlier with 2016 Rivals100 OL Jauan Williams, from Archbishop Carroll (DC). Assistant coach Stacy Searels stopped by his school on Monday to see him and his teammate, 2016 four-star guard Richard Merritt.

Williams is still a little unpolished, but he's huge and is just oozing with potential. I saw both him and Merritt in Jacksonville this past summer at the Rivals Underclassmen Challenge.

Williams said he's over 30 offers now, most recently from Texas, Texas A&M, Kentucky, Wake Forest, Old Dominion and Toledo. And before anyone asks, he said he had the A&M offer before Aaron Moorehead went there.

Right now, Williams told me he somewhat has his mind made up and has for a little while, but isn't anywhere close to announcing. He's talking about doing a top 10 in November, though that can always change.

It sounds like VT is for sure in that top 10, but not sure past that. Williams said he thought Searels was a "cool dude and funny" but he doesn't sound overzealous about the Hokies. He did say he thought VT is "a great school" and though he can't visit for the Feb. 7 junior day because of his SAT date, he does plan to visit during spring practice.

Right now, though, Penn State and Ohio State sound like they're on top. He said coaches from both schools are consistent in how they come visit him and stay in contact. They also "show me love." Williams visited both those schools, along with Maryland this past fall.

I will say, it was interesting what he had to say on Maryland: "I haven't heard from them in forever. I don't know
when was the last time I heard from Maryland. If they were to come up here, I'm
gonna be like, 'Where y'all been at?' They really wanted me like everybody
else." And that's strange because he said he's visited there way more than anywhere else.

Full story coming, but as always, what's posted here, STAYS HERE. Don't de-value your own subscription by giving away information to others who don't pay like you do. It's also a violation of our terms of service and will result in the termination of your subscription.[/B]

Jauan Williams profile

***INsider: Tremaine Edmunds on Visit***

Guys, I spoke just a few minutes ago with Dan River (Va.) four-star commit Tremaine Edmunds, who took his VT official visit this weekend. Tremaine even stayed for the basketball game this afternoon.

There's never been any doubt with Tremaine, who reiterated that he's 100% in his commitment. He said he sat down for a long period of time with defensive coordinator Bud Foster to talk about the position and what's expected. Right now, Foster wants him to play 'backer. And I think that's a good fit for him. he's long and rangy and should fit in well.

Of all the guys who visited, all commits, Tremaine said he really got along well with all the guys, especially four-star RB Deshawn McClease and three-star DE/LB Houshun Gaines. He thinks Gaines will stick with the Hokies, even though he visited Vanderbilt last weekend and has expressed a ton of interest there.

Edmunds also told me he's 100% healed from his broken collarbone he suffered in late October. He could only watch the Offense-Defense Bowl from the sideline, but did make the trip. Edmunds said he's been playing basketball for Dan River for a little over two weeks and hasn't felt any side effects from the injury.

Full story coming, but as always, what's posted here, STAYS HERE. Don't de-value your own subscription by giving away information to others who don't pay like you do. It's also a violation of our terms of service and will result in the termination of your subscription.[/B]

Tremaine Edmunds profile
