VT vs. UVA Football 2019

This is UVA's best chance of beating VT in 16 years. On paper, the two teams are pretty evenly matched but I think this game will be determined by our offense. Hoos have their best and most dynamic QB in over 2 decades, so they should be able to move the ball and score points. To me, the key is Hokies' offense and it's ability to score TD's. I am expecting it will be a 34-27 type of game.

QB Battle - How did Hooker not win?

The only downside to this resurgence from the Hokies is it leads to the on earth did anybody see Hooker vs. Willis in practice and not choose Hendon?

In two losses with Willis we had 7 turnovers and forced 1. We are likely a 1 loss team if Hendon starts against BC/ND....who knows how the Duke game would've turned out but we got outplayed in all facets of the game. Was it well known that HH was way better and the coaches were being stubborn?

VT - UVA Observations

Hype out of Granolaville is at a fever pitch. UVA has had three weeks to prepare for this game. They scheduled a bye week then Liberty prior to rivalry game week - they're all in for this game.

With the added practice time I can guarantee the Hoos will run multiple trick plays on O - many Tech will be ready for, but some they will be caught unaware. UVA has probably practiced every trick play Mendenhall has ever used as a coach and many new ones. Same goes for special teams.

Without out the two week advantage to prepare for this game I would expect Tech to dominate on D. With the extra prep time there will be no shutout this week - they will probably score multiple TD's. Need our O to score 30+ points for a victory. Going to be a fun game!
