Bring back Ricky Bustle

As our offense coordinator! Does anyone else remember when we competed against better teams because we had great lineman and could run in chunks? Why in the hell can we not seem to get lineman anymore??

Not even go into the Defense cause this is the worst D we have ever had and I’ve watched and listened to the team since about 78ish.

I just hope this is not so bad that we lose all the recruiting momentum we had and actually go backwards for several years now.

One final thought on the BC game...

Because I watched it yet another time after the analysis pieces from the week (and Bud's discussion will be relevant here, as well).

There's no denying the defense played better than it has for much of the year. However, framing it as a revelatory performance - something I've been a little guilty of this week, too - is inaccurate. The Eagles still scored 31 points. VT got a stop in field goal territory because of a totally unforced fumble. Again, the Hokie D played better than it has in basically any game this year still, but I have a hard time considering it actually "good" so much as "not bad." BC's offense stopped itself a lot (and again, still scored 31 points).

The offense was the bigger issue for this one game, but that's not the same thing as the defense suddenly no longer being an issue.
