VT Offense

Why do we substitute so much ? Put 11 starters on field and run every play with same personnel. It seems that we have a different personnel package for every play. (defensive coordinators probably pick up on this)

As for running back, name a starter and give him ball 20-25 times a game. RBs cannot get into flow of the game, because they never seem to get ball but once a possession.

When needing 7 yards for a first down, throw the ball at least 7 yards. better yet, don't get into a 3rd and 7 situation.

Scott. Leff

Let's give this guy a break. He doesn't have a qb he has a running back that can throw it a little bit. Let's look at him when he has brewer healthy against the number one team in the nation. Now him recruiting qbs is a different argument I am a firm believer that you take at least 2 qbs every class so you don't have to worry about this crap. But I thought scott leff did enough today for tech to win. He can't help guys dropping balls and if people don't think the play book has been shrunk to probably 20 percent with brewer out your crazy he has no cofidense in motley and I don't blame him one bit. Long season for the hokies if brewer can't come back soon.

Three More Confirmed VT Officials

Full story coming, but as always, what's posted here, STAYS HERE. Don't de-value your own subscription by giving away information to others who don't pay like you do. It's also a violation of our terms of service and will result in the termination of your subscription.

Guys, wanted you all to be the first to know about two more confirmed official visits for VT recruits.

Brashear (Pa.) three-star cornerback Therran Coleman visiting Oct. 3 --- PITT COMMIT
South Mecklenburg (NC) three-star DE Zack Gilbert will be visiting Oct. 23
Landon School (Md.) four-star LB Keith Simms visiting Oct. 23 as well

That adds to official visits next week also of Grant Holloway, Patrick Jones and Khalil Ladler.

Why can't Shane get it?

It's very obvious that McMillian is the best tailback we have. Does Shane think the kid can only go two plays before resting him? Put him in the damn game and leave him in. Look at every great back in the game today, they get a feel for the game and a sense of where to go. The oline also gets a "feel" for how quick the tailback hits the hole and where. This revolving door approach is absurd.

Texas Tech

In the past 4 years their recruiting is worse than ours they got 4 "4*" in the last 4 years including there starting qb which is a low 3 star. Kingsbury actually coaches these guys up and they have beaten a SEC team and has TCU on the ropes. There offense is explosive with 3 and 2 star players can someone explain this to me. Tech just lost to a terrible ECU team and we have a solid number of 4 star players on the team???? To me it's coaching.

Does everyone remember

That this offense we just played in ranked 115 and worse in all offensive categories? And yes some really bad calls and once In a lifetime catches they had etc. But all that shouldn't matter against this team. And the fact we got to go up 14-0 and still lose???? I love Bud and we owe Bud but he is no good at making IN game adjustments and running QB's have killed him! Always have.

I've have been in the keeping Beamer to get his 30years play at Bristol etc but man he is making it hard for me to keep the faith after this ridiculous loss!!! I'm worried now for 2017 since I'm going to the game with my bud who is from West Virginia! They will lay 75 on us and I will have to hear it forever!!!

These guys didn't seem hungry! And Bucky may be a great TE in the pros but he should take off the tats off his arms cause you don't miss those types of passes wet ball or not and get tats that say Gods Gift!

And last rant why do we continue to run wide plays specially in the rain???

It would be interesting to VT football had someone in charge of recruiting

Man, our recruiting continues to take hits. It would be nice or a great idea if we could take someone with "proven" experience and success and put them in charge of recruiting and give them that title and give them that pay. That would be a neat idea. But for right now, it must be Shane Beamer's fault or Foster or Searles or TG's or some other positions coaches fault for our recruiting woes. LOL. Oh wait? We have a guy on staff with the title of recruiting coordinator? Wow. I had no idea.

Folks, a book should be written on how on earth a certain coach is still on staff in Blacksburg. I am telling ya, the title should include him and Bud Selig. I have never seen such a large amount of a fanbase fooled. It is absolutely perplexing while the OC, we had little success with great talent. While somehow, taking over as recruiting coordinator after being removed as OC, and being one of the few positions coaches to actually set beside the offensive coordinator in the pressbox and somehow, get a pay raise after no longer the OC is mind-boggling. Added to this, while the OC, we blamed em all from Rogers to Newsome to OCaine to Hite.

Why am I posting this? Because incredibly, with the recruiting woes, the same thing is happening with VT football fans! LOL. We are blaming every other coach except the guy responsible who has the title and pay of Recruiting Coordinator. Literally, a book should be written explaining or attempting to explain, HOW?

It is obviously to late for changes at this point with VT football. The damage is done and like I warned you 5 years ago, we were reaching a point where recruiting on the offensive side of the ball would spillover to effect overall recruiting and VT would suffer a talent problem in addition to the offensive coaching issues. Added to this, Coach Beamer's age is being used against us by other schools. We are there. We are in full effect now. With Coach Beamer's replacement, it will take 1/2 of a decade to rebound.

This post is my opinion only and not a "personal attack" or an attack on someone's "persona." Whatever the heck that means. I am giving my opinions of one coaches ability as a coordinator and recruiting coordinator. What did I tell you was the best spot for him on this board over a half decade ago? I told you that he would be a SOLID positions coach because positions coaches teach technique. There is no chess-playing or major critical thinking. It is largely technique and technique comes from years of experience which he has. Guess what? Our TE's are looking great and playing at high levels and that is due to coaching. for being in the press box? Not hardly. As for recruiting coordinator? What did I tell you again, one half decade ago? High School Coaches in Virginia in large amounts (not all, but many of them) do not want to see his face when discussing an offensive recruit. They have it drilled into their minds (rightly or wrongly) on what VT's offense is and he is the face of that offensive system.

Critical Decision Saturday. Play Lawson Now! Do not wait

We all know with Brewer's injury, the shirt is coming off of Lawson. We know that at some point, he us going to take over for our current QB Motley. Let him takeover now! This weekend to get more ready. God forbid we do not play him until we are on the ropes at ECU! Put the kid in the game this weekend for first team reps with the first team. This is critical in my opinion.
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