Am I missing something?

I'm all for change however be careful what you wish for see Tennesee just to name one. This season has been a big let down and there are numerous coaching problems to go around even for Bud this year who we agree has been rock solid for us. However yesterday's game was anything but a great game with yes mistakes here and there but you can't say this wasn't the best offensively we have looked all year! And as far as the last drive that was terrible no way about it. But pretty sure they were all caught by SUPRISE as to why the clock was running when Phillips ran out of bounds clock should have stopped. The biggest issue for the day by far is the corners taking the double move everytime. That's on Torian period but everyone wants him as the next DC. It's time for Beamer to go and it will be tough for all and we may get it right like Michigan or we may not but not every tough hard fault game is no need to crush the man who made this program what it is so we can complain about 7 wins. Kids played very good today and we lost to a 6-1 team. This isnt the old Duke teams this is a very solid team that plays with the big boys now. Today's loss was a tough one to take but far from a loss for everyone to crush them. If we played like today every game this year I'd take it everytime. We complain all the time how bout someone mention the positives when it happens also? Brewer and McMillian and the Oline to name a few.

My unpopular post

Let me be honest with everyone on this board . . . I am firmly convinced that Frank Beamer needs to step down and bring his storied career to an end. He no longer possesses the ability, as the head coach, to put a team on the field that is competitive and that can meet the expectations of the fans, the coaches, the university and Frank himself.

Having said that, I refuse to be disrespectful to the man that has brought so much enjoyment, excitement, pride and recognition to this university and this fanbase. If the price I have to pay for all he has given us is 3 or 4 years of mediocrity in football, then I will gladly pay it.

If the fans think they are suffering, I can assure you it pales in comparison to what he is going through. I resent the comments about him being stupid, ignorant, retarded, etc.

It is unfortunate that the man who has done so much for so many is abandoned during his last days by ungrateful and disrespectful fans, coaches who don't do their jobs and players who play without emotion and who don't follow assignments.

If Frank told us all to "go to hell" it would be justified.


Is any one else frustrated with everything associated with football games? Its is a nightmare at the gates with these little coded readers. Not enough gate open ! had a gate open behind stands but had it blocked off and wouldn't let you up hill? Seems like whole operation is a cluster

Of note with Frank...

Hey guys,

It came to my attention during post-game interviews that Frank Beamer had looked like he had been crying. He rubbed his eyes and they were glassy... his bottom eye lids were also rimmed with tears. I know that older people tend to have watery eyes, but this to me looked like he had been crying. Even Bud Foster came in post-game interviews looking a little beat up. Any thoughts on what this could mean? This was a huge loss for not only the program, but the security of Beamer's job as well.
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Am I the only one watching this game? Our defense is not even a hint of its former self. I am tired of excuses and I used to be the biggest Bud supporter but I believe it's time for a complete change from top to bottom if this is the best we can put on the field.

***Duke Tailgate INFO***

Guys, we'll get going at 11:30 am at our usual spot, lot four, space 98, with our friend Hokies73 (Uncle Tom). We'll have tons of wings from our sponsor, Bull & Bones, hot dogs, burgers and anything else you want to bring. Always a great time to talk with other members of our site and any other Hokies! The more the merrier, so feel free to bring your friends! Look for the banner!

***INsider: Yetur Matos***

Full story coming, but as always, what's posted here, STAYS HERE. Don't de-value your own subscription by giving away information to others who don't pay like you do. It's also a violation of our terms of service and will result in the termination of your subscription.

Guys, our Clemson site came out with a story today, but this morning, I spoke with Chancellor (Va.) 2017 four-star DE Yetur Matos and his dad, Robert Matos. I'll be mentioning more in the story, but Yetur's dad coaches him in basketball and has since he was young. Yetur is No. 237 in the Rivals250.

Robert told me that Yetur currently has 15 offers. But the three that Robert said they've been to more than once are VT, Penn State and Clemson. Robert said, "They're at the top of the list." They just visited Clemson over the weekend, which was the first time the Matos' had seen a game there. They had been for junior day and camp and the Tigers were the first to offer earlier this spring.

Yetur had a lot to say about Clemson. He loved the atmosphere and said the gameday was better than anywhere else he'd been. "Clemson for me, it’s always been somewhere I’ve wanted to go to play football since the junior day I was there," Yetur said. So the Tigers are looking right now like the favorite.

I do think based on talking to him and his dad, that VT is close, but still right behind Clemson. They visited for the Ohio State game last month and Yetur said he liked how intense everything was and "That gameday atmosphere was similar to the one I felt at Clemson." Yetur also said the Hokies are "in a good place with me" because of how he felt like he was treated and how his family was treated. VT would have been second to offer, as Matos participated in the Hokies' camp in June. But UVA heard he was at the camp and called his dad during the camp to say he had an offer. I was talking with Robert when UVA called.

Strangely, though, Matos hasn't talked a ton with defensive coordinator Bud Foster. Yetur said they talk over social media and over the phone here and there, but that "I’m trying to make my way back down there to see him in person, so we can talk more and build a relationship."

This coming weekend is the only one the Matos' won't be traveling anywhere. the next four weekends, they'll visit and take in games at NC State, UNC, Duke and Penn State. It sounds like the next time Yetur would be at VT would be for junior day after the first of the year. But certainly one to keep an eye on.

***INsider: Khalan Laborn Update***

Full story coming, but as always, what's posted here, STAYS HERE. Don't de-value your own subscription by giving away information to others who don't pay like you do. It's also a violation of our terms of service and will result in the termination of your subscription.

Guys, I spoke late last night with Ocean Lakes (Va.) four-star RB Khalan Laborn, just hadn't had a chance to post anything until now. Laborn is No. 34 in the 2017 Rivals100, the No. 2 player in Virginia in the class.

Around the first of the month, Laborn told mid-Atlantic analyst Adam Friedman that Florida State and VT were the two standing out most. But I'd say the Seminoles are the clear favorite here. Laborn visited a few weeks ago for the Miami/FSU game and said he loved the visit. He likes the offense, the track record of getting to the NFL from there and the atmosphere.

The Hokies are hanging in a close second, in all honesty, but they are second. Laborn said VT is a good program regardless of record and that "When I was there, I felt like I could be happy there." He still talks regularly with assistant coach Zohn Burden and said nothing has changed, but that's a good thing.

Other schools in the mix here are Alabama, Ohio State and Florida. Laborn plans on visiting Alabama in a few weeks for the LSU game and Ohio State next month for the Michigan State game. No plans to visit VT right now, so the next visit would likely come for junior day in February. The Hokies are squarely in the hunt, but have some ground to make up.

Well, Lightning can strike twice.

While I have already openly stated my disappointment in our current and prior OC's I should also step back a little when I make those comments. Why? Because they were both duly appointed to their positions by the same person. It is not their fault except that they chose to accept a job they were not qualified for.
The utter futility of this situation has been one for the ages. There is no logical reason for either of these gentlemen to have been put in this situation as there were a number of qualified OC"s in the world of FB at the time both of these appointments took place.
This has to be corrected.

  • Poll
Official DUKE Prediction Thread (and a semi-cynical POLL)

Which will we do first on Saturday?

  • pre-snap penalty

    Votes: 9 18.8%
  • give up a sack

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • let Dook pass for a 1st down

    Votes: 12 25.0%
  • Travon to the house!

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • jet sweep

    Votes: 13 27.1%
  • Dadi gets a sack

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • give up an INT

    Votes: 1 2.1%
  • OL helps Brewer up

    Votes: 6 12.5%
  • delayed entry to the stadium

    Votes: 1 2.1%

I think I saw Vegas has us by 2(?), but that doesn't seem right. Probably misread that.

Because MB is back, I think we roll by 14+.
Everybody will play with more confidence.
Fingers crossed.

VT 34, Dook 17
