***INsider: Yetur Matos***

Full story coming, but as always, what's posted here, STAYS HERE. Don't de-value your own subscription by giving away information to others who don't pay like you do. It's also a violation of our terms of service and will result in the termination of your subscription.

Guys, our Clemson site came out with a story today, but this morning, I spoke with Chancellor (Va.) 2017 four-star DE Yetur Matos and his dad, Robert Matos. I'll be mentioning more in the story, but Yetur's dad coaches him in basketball and has since he was young. Yetur is No. 237 in the Rivals250.

Robert told me that Yetur currently has 15 offers. But the three that Robert said they've been to more than once are VT, Penn State and Clemson. Robert said, "They're at the top of the list." They just visited Clemson over the weekend, which was the first time the Matos' had seen a game there. They had been for junior day and camp and the Tigers were the first to offer earlier this spring.

Yetur had a lot to say about Clemson. He loved the atmosphere and said the gameday was better than anywhere else he'd been. "Clemson for me, it’s always been somewhere I’ve wanted to go to play football since the junior day I was there," Yetur said. So the Tigers are looking right now like the favorite.

I do think based on talking to him and his dad, that VT is close, but still right behind Clemson. They visited for the Ohio State game last month and Yetur said he liked how intense everything was and "That gameday atmosphere was similar to the one I felt at Clemson." Yetur also said the Hokies are "in a good place with me" because of how he felt like he was treated and how his family was treated. VT would have been second to offer, as Matos participated in the Hokies' camp in June. But UVA heard he was at the camp and called his dad during the camp to say he had an offer. I was talking with Robert when UVA called.

Strangely, though, Matos hasn't talked a ton with defensive coordinator Bud Foster. Yetur said they talk over social media and over the phone here and there, but that "I’m trying to make my way back down there to see him in person, so we can talk more and build a relationship."

This coming weekend is the only one the Matos' won't be traveling anywhere. the next four weekends, they'll visit and take in games at NC State, UNC, Duke and Penn State. It sounds like the next time Yetur would be at VT would be for junior day after the first of the year. But certainly one to keep an eye on.

***INsider: Khalan Laborn Update***

Full story coming, but as always, what's posted here, STAYS HERE. Don't de-value your own subscription by giving away information to others who don't pay like you do. It's also a violation of our terms of service and will result in the termination of your subscription.

Guys, I spoke late last night with Ocean Lakes (Va.) four-star RB Khalan Laborn, just hadn't had a chance to post anything until now. Laborn is No. 34 in the 2017 Rivals100, the No. 2 player in Virginia in the class.

Around the first of the month, Laborn told mid-Atlantic analyst Adam Friedman that Florida State and VT were the two standing out most. But I'd say the Seminoles are the clear favorite here. Laborn visited a few weeks ago for the Miami/FSU game and said he loved the visit. He likes the offense, the track record of getting to the NFL from there and the atmosphere.

The Hokies are hanging in a close second, in all honesty, but they are second. Laborn said VT is a good program regardless of record and that "When I was there, I felt like I could be happy there." He still talks regularly with assistant coach Zohn Burden and said nothing has changed, but that's a good thing.

Other schools in the mix here are Alabama, Ohio State and Florida. Laborn plans on visiting Alabama in a few weeks for the LSU game and Ohio State next month for the Michigan State game. No plans to visit VT right now, so the next visit would likely come for junior day in February. The Hokies are squarely in the hunt, but have some ground to make up.

Well, Lightning can strike twice.

While I have already openly stated my disappointment in our current and prior OC's I should also step back a little when I make those comments. Why? Because they were both duly appointed to their positions by the same person. It is not their fault except that they chose to accept a job they were not qualified for.
The utter futility of this situation has been one for the ages. There is no logical reason for either of these gentlemen to have been put in this situation as there were a number of qualified OC"s in the world of FB at the time both of these appointments took place.
This has to be corrected.

  • Poll
Official DUKE Prediction Thread (and a semi-cynical POLL)

Which will we do first on Saturday?

  • pre-snap penalty

    Votes: 9 18.8%
  • give up a sack

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • let Dook pass for a 1st down

    Votes: 12 25.0%
  • Travon to the house!

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • jet sweep

    Votes: 13 27.1%
  • Dadi gets a sack

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • give up an INT

    Votes: 1 2.1%
  • OL helps Brewer up

    Votes: 6 12.5%
  • delayed entry to the stadium

    Votes: 1 2.1%

I think I saw Vegas has us by 2(?), but that doesn't seem right. Probably misread that.

Because MB is back, I think we roll by 14+.
Everybody will play with more confidence.
Fingers crossed.

VT 34, Dook 17

***10.22 VT INsider Chat Details***

Guys, I've got a meeting at our normal chat time on Friday that I've been unable to move. So we'll be having this week's chat at 12:30 pm ET tomorrow (Thursday). Lots to discuss right now with the Hokies, including a good recruiting weekend coming up with a few notable visitors. Come take advantage of and get the very most from your subscriptions and chat with us!

Chat link:

***INsider: VT Offense Update***

Guys, assistant coach Zohn Burden was the speaker today at the Blacksburg Sports Club. He showed up a little early, so I think he got asked more questions than usual. But here's the rundown of everything he covered:

As always, what's posted here, STAYS HERE. Don't de-value your own subscription by giving away information to others who don't pay like you do. It's also a violation of our terms of service and will result in the termination of your subscription.

*Burden said that even though Michael Brewer will start, Brenden Motley will play in some capacity, likely as the change of pace guy he was before Brewer fractured his collarbone. "As far as I know, Brewer is back," Burden said. "I think he's fine." Burden said Brewer started throwing two weeks after he had surgery last month, but has progressed well.

**One question was asked about why only sophomores Isaiah Ford and Cam Phillips have played. Burden said it's because nobody else at the position works harder than they do. Burden said that Ford and Phillips have clearly outworked all the other receivers. He did say that the Hokies are continuing to try to find ways to get Greg Stroman involved. Burden talked about his speed and playmaking abilities. But he didn't mention any other receivers.

***Another question was asked about why VT doesn't get the ball more to junior tight end Bucky Hodges. Burden said it's not for a lack of trying. He estimated that if the Hokies throw the ball 26-27 times like they want, Hodges is the primary read on at least half of those. Burden said Hodges has faced a ton of double teams this season. He said it's on the coaches to continue to find ways to get him the ball and they've tried moving him around. But they have to find more ways.

****On freshman quarterback Dwayne Lawson, Burden was short on why Lawson hasn't played. "He's not completely ready to go in on a consistent basis," Burden said. He also said the Hokies gave zero thought to redshirting Lawson this season. He and the rest of the staff thought Lawson was "unbelievable" when they saw him over the summer. But when Brewer got hurt, the redshirt was without question gone and VT had to speed him up, as far as progress. Burden said Lawson has made a lot of progress, but that the Hokies' offense is more detailed, whereas Lawson came from a more simplified offense in high school. The big thing I also took away was that Burden said Lawson is very shy. On the play against Miami where he had to come in because Motley got hurt in the third quarter, Burden said the offense couldn't hear Lawson. Ryan Malleck ended up getting a false start penalty as a result. But Burden said Lawson will be a hell of a talent over the next couple of seasons.

*****On recruiting, Burden said he and the staff are heading to games tomorrow afternoon after practice. He couldn't name the receiver recruits because of NCAA rules, but reiterated that three of them (Eric Kumah, Samuel Denmark and Divine Deablo) will be enrolling in January for spring practice, while one (Phil Patterson) won't be enrolling until August. Burden said all three early enrollees will get a lot of reps in the spring.

******As far as 757 recruiting, Burden said he and the staff are trying to figure out why they still have some trouble there. Burden said he believes it's a "fad" where kids want to get away from home. He also said he and the staff have received feedback that "Sometimes parents think it's best for their children not to be in-state." Burden said he hears that a lot.

*******Lastly on recruiting, Burden was asked if VT had reached out to commits to Maryland and South Carolina, because of the coaching changes there. He said the Hokies have, but that "Sometimes kids commit to a school and not the head coach. We'll see." So basically goes on what I've been told when I've been asked this on the chat, that it looks like for now, VT won't be getting any of those recruits and that nearly all of them will stay put, of course, depending on who the new coaches there are.

********He didn't have much to say, but Burden was asked about injuries. He called it part of the game and said they have to persevere, but that he believes the season would be a lot different if VT didn't have so many. He also said he believes the odds of Kendall Fuller returning for his senior season next year are 50/50.

*********As far as the offense as a whole, Burden said he believes the Hokies will be the best offense Duke has seen. He said VT will use a lot more up-tempo to slow down the Blue Devils' defense and that the Hokies' offense is predicated on getting the ball down-field and fast. Burden was asked specifically on slant passes and said they haven't been good in the games played for the most part but are in the gameplan for this week.


I've been looking at some old video of previous great plays, entrances and so forth. I know, I need to get a life, but we haven't had much to cheer about recently.

What struck me looking at the old clips was the steely eyed purpose CFB and the team had in those days. Look at some of those entrances on you tube. They didn't hope, they knew they had a good chance to win. There was an intensity to the team and the fans that is sorely lacking today. Sure we lost some games, sometimes big ones and sometimes to teams we should have crushed, but we were never outclassed in those days. The team just doesn't seem to have any fire in the belly and neither do the coaches. Its just business as usual.

Listen to the crowd in those clips.. We were probably on the Richter scale at times. You don't hear that anymore because the team has not given us any reason to be that loud. Compare those videos with what you now see at the stadium.

We are getting beat because a lot of these teams are now better than us. There is an atmosphere of defeat surrounding the program, and it is starting at the top. We are being out recruited, out prepared and out coached. I wish CFB could have left under better circumstances, with all the honors he deserves, but I don't see it happening. Another year like this and we will be a decade digging out.

Major Applewhite

Just my 2 cents on the coaching fiasco but Id love to give this guy a shot even though he hasn't had any HC experience. Look what he has done since he became a coach. Nothing but positives. Eventually someone will give him a shot. Not to mention who he is learning from right now. What's yall's opinion?

Thanks, Frank

Prior to 1995 I could have cared less about football, the sport. I spent my weekends with friends and family. Some of them would talk about their favorite college and professional team. I admired their passion, and their Redskin, Michigan and Nebraska gear. I didn't own any of my own, I just did not care about football at all. Most years I couldn't have told you who played in the super bowl or which team won the NCAA national championship. You get the idea.

Then 1995 comes around. My neighbor was a junior at VT in the corp of cadets, his cable is out and so he comes over because he wants to watch this thing called the Sugar Bowl, between VT and Texas. What a lucky person I was for that game to be my introduction to football. From that day forward I was for the Chicago maroon and burnt orange. I was not a hardcore fan, but I had a team that I rooted for, win or lose, and I was in love with the game of football.

Fast forward to 1999. My buddy calls me up on a Friday October 15th and tells me that he has scored two tickets to the VT/Syracuse game. The Hokies were ranked #4 and this crazy QB had literally flipped over a defender into the end-zone - so I jumped at the chance to see a game live. VT crushed #16 Syracuse culminating in the Hokie Bird sticking a greater than life sized straw into the Orangemen mascot. It was an electrifying game. From that point on, I was hardcore.

Being hardcore- I knew every coach and their resume, every potential recruit, actual recruit, verbal, and matriculated player. And, of course, I followed everything 'Frank Beamer.' The more I learned about Frank, the more I admired him. Eventually, he even reached out and touched people in my life. No specifics, but a woman who worked for my business, her son played for VT. She worked 2 jobs to support her family, and her son never had the coaching a lot of the top recruits get, but he worked hard and eventually started for the Hokies, and was even drafted. From her I learned that Frank had a soft spot in his heart for kids like her son. They got a little extra coaching, practice and playing time so that maybe they would luck out, impress a scout and change their lives and the lives of the members of their family forever. I appreciate that, as I'm sure many other people do too.

One thing I never expected was that VT football brought me closer to my father. We had been estranged since I was 2 years old. I saw him a couple times a year, but it was always short. He became a huge VT fan after 1999 (along with his alma mater, UC Berkeley). That common interest brought depth to our relationship, something we looked forward to doing together each Saturday. During those games we had long conversations and learned quite a lot about each other. The real benefit was that our stronger relationship allowed my kids to have a healthy relationship with their grandfather. It's funny how things work out and how the ripples of what we do can affect so many people in so many unexpected ways.

When I watch football games with my kids, I make sure they know Frank Beamer by sight. I tell them about VT football and how Frank put it on the map and made VT relevant, and how he made people like me proud to support the Hokies. He made VT football synonymous with hard work, character, professionalism and class. I feel those qualities every time I wear a VT hat or shirt in public. Even in New England, people stop me in the street and tell me how much they admire the VT football coach.

Whatever happens this year, thank you, Frank. Thanks for giving me a sports team. Thanks for making Saturdays in the fall the most wonderful days of the year. Thank you for the pride I feel when I wear anything 'VT.' Thank you for being a role model for me and my kids. Thank you for what you have done for hundreds of Virginia athlete, football players, students, and their families. I'm not too proud to say that I will cry like a baby as time runs out during your last game coaching for the Hokies.

Preparation For Duke

Hi y'all! The press conference this afternoon was held with three coaches: Frank Beamer, Shane Beamer, and Scot Loeffler. In addition, there were three student athletes: Brandon Facyson, Andrew Motuapuaka, and Isaiah Ford. Here are a few tidbits from this afternoon:

-- The running back position will continue to have less rotation. Both Beamers said that Travon McMillian will get a lot of reps and that Rogers is working just as hard right behind him.
-- Michael Brewer is looking to be officially the starting quarterback in the game against Duke.
-- VT's record right now will be used as fuel to the fire in order to fix the mistakes that had been made and opportunities that had been missed, according to Frank Beamer, to create a very good chance in winning Saturday's game.
-- Brenden Motley did an excellent job filling in for Brewer while gaining experience, according to Loeffler, which will give the team the ability to bring a different element during future game days.

Check out more updates from my story that will be out by tomorrow!
